banshee or tnt1 faster??



Which should be faster???

I used to have a CL PCI BANSHEE (16MB) clocked @105/115 core/mem. usually res was 800*600 or 1024*768 on full texture details.
The banshee only has a single texture unit.

The TNT 1 is an STB 16MB AGP2X clocked at 105/115, with an agp aperture size of 32MB (from 128MB ram). usually res 640*480 medium-low texture details. The TNT1 has dual texture units! (tried 64MB aperture size, didn't make much difference)

When running most games on the banshee (glide, opengl &d3d) the framerates were higher.
When running on the TNT1 it seems a little sluggish, indications that the frame rate is just a weeeee bit low.

sys specs
c466@525 (agp=75/150)
128MB PC133 ram
Aopen ax6bc MOBO (agp2, PIII, slot1)
SBlive value
fujitsu 13GB HD (IDE/ata33)

Anything else relevant?

Any suggestions???


From what I remember of those times back then when we used to drool when we thought about a dual Voodoo 2 equiped gaming machine, the TnT was faster than a single V2. The only thing is that changes from a V2 and Banshee is the lost TMU (texture mapping unit), but it didn't matter all that much. Regarding your "question", I know that a few game engines prefer a chipset and dislike other ( the UT is the best example for this: 3Dfx's chipset rules on this engine!). If you want to check this out I suggest you try an older game such as quake2 to see the performances of both card under an easier gaming environment. But still, if you play more up to date games, you'll wanna cry if you try to cranck up the rez... like I do! ;)

Hope it helps.


the tnt M64 is a cut down version of the TNT running on a 64 bit memory bus versus 128 bit halving memory performance


My TNT (Diamond Viper V550) is faster than the Banshee I had (Diamond Monster Fusion). You should check at which colour-depth you're running your games. Banshee can only do 3D in 16-bit, but if you start Quake2 in 32-bit mode on the TNT, it will actually run that way (and a lot slower than in 16-bit). So switch the TNT to 16-bit mode first if you want to compare it with the Banshee.

AGP aperature is only used if the TNT runs out of texture memory, so you wouldn't notice much of a difference during normal gaming. You don't mention which OS or driver version you're using, but the newest NVidia reference drivers are actually slower on old TNT & TNT2 cards, because they're optimized for the GeForce line of GPUs. So if you can get an "older" driver version (pre Detonator3), it might speed things up a bit.


Dec 31, 2007
i have both a CL tnt and 2 V21000's in sli. the thing is, that it really does matter which api your game is using. openGL or Glide. in openGL the tnt cards will smoke 3dfx's stuff all day long. in Glide the voodoo's rule. of course if you have both there are no real problems and you get the best of both worlds.