[SOLVED] Bat-file to compare two text files


Mar 23, 2020
I have two text files: 1.txt and 2.txt. Both files have text rows inside. Some rows are equal. Some rows of 2.txt are different from 1.txt.

I want to make the following bat-file.

First step bat-file compares text rows inside 1.txt and inside 2.txt.

Next step bat-file makes result-of-checking.txt file. It has text: "The following rows of 2.txt file are different from rows of 1.txt file". Under it list of rows.

I run Windows 10 Home 64-bit.

How to make such bat-file?
thare is commandline to compare files

for text files u can use fc /l /n text1.txt text2.txt command

kerberos_20, thank you. I took into attention.

I made bat-file.

ffprobe -v 32 -print_format default -show_format -show_streams -hide_banner 1.mp4  > 1.txt
ffprobe -v 32 -print_format default -show_format -show_streams -hide_banner 2.mp4  > 2.txt
fc /l /n 1.txt 2.txt > result-of-checking.txt

In result-of-checking.txt I have rows from 1.txt and 2.txt.

* 1.txt
33: time_base=1/90000
34: start_pts=0
35: start_time=0.000000
36: duration_ts=274777200
37: duration=3053.080000
38: bit_rate=1167100
39: max_bit_rate=N/A
* 2.TXT
33: time_base=1/90000
34: start_pts=61200
35: start_time=0.680000
36: duration_ts=34682400
37: duration=385.360000
38: bit_rate=1103399
39: max_bit_rate=N/A

I want to have in result-of-checking.txt rows only from 2.txt which are different from rows of 1.txt file. How to do it?