bccode 124 [BSOD]

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Vitor Gadi

Oct 4, 2014
Hello guys,

i'm having trouble with my new PC:

Intel I5 3330 @3.00GHz
Nvidia GeForce GTX750Ti
2x2 DDR3 2GB RAM 10600
500GB HD
Power Supply EVGA 500w 80 Plus

I'm having problems when I play games. Generally 2 things happens: BSOD 124 or it's lost video and the power leds still on. When it happens it's become a lot hard to boot up again. My GPU was working just fine with my 2nd generation intel i3 and my old MotherBoard. There's a list of things that I've tried before:

- Reinstall Windows 7
- Run memtest, CPU test and HD test of Hirens Boot CD
- Install the lastest drivers of all devices
- Increase vcore (I just set up a new voltage but I'm not sure of the maximum I can set it up)
- Removed GPU and put it again on the PCI-e
- Disable Intel C states in Bios Setup

Guy, I don't know what do anymore. Can you help me please?

There's a thing I want to register: Sometimes when the first BSOD or the video blackout occours, when I try to power on the PC again It's power on but the power leds don't light up. I hope it could help.

I believe this is important too:

Assinatura do problema:
Nome do Evento de Problema: BlueScreen
Versão do sistema operacional: 6.1.7600.
Identificação da Localidade: 1046

Informações adicionais sobre o problema:
BCCode: 124
BCP1: 0000000000000000
BCP2: FFFFFA8006E27028
BCP3: 00000000B2000000
BCP4: 0000000000100402
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1

Arquivos que ajudam a descrever o problema:

Leia nossa declaração de privacidade online:

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I have found lots of motherboards with problems in the logic but have only found 2 CPUs that had new logic problems that were not already known. In one case the CPU was a prototype so it does not count. Most of the time if the CPU passes the intel functional test, the problem is with the motherboard. That said you can not rule out the CPU until you get a good test run on another system. You can even look up the chips revision number and see if there was some microcode update that is needed. Sometimes the BIOS maker will behind picking up the updates. Or they figure you will never figure it out and give up. even it there is not a flaw in a CPU a new one may work better in the same motherboard. There are a lot of timing...

Ok, I'll try to get a new MOBO. 🙁

Thanks everyone who tried to help me out
I guess I have seen various CPU failures but they were caused by overclcoking or user issues.
Simple inspection of the CPU showed burnt pads or bent pins, I saw a CPU where a person used epoxy to put on the cooler then tried to chip and grind off the cooler and epoxy with a belt sander so he could get a replacement CPU when it failed. (I always thought that was funny)

Hey there, guys!

Yesterday I went to the place that I've bought my AsRock and replaced for one of the same model. Ad I've bought a 4GB RAM for my PC. I've installed the new mobo and the memory and the PC is very good!

I can say that is solved 'cause I did'nt see any "symptom" for example: With the old mobo, when I logged in Windows, in the transition between the login screen and the desktop I had a little video loss, the LCD pop the message "Energy economy" and recover the video again. But with the new mobo/memory RAM I don't have any problem anymore!

Thank you very much!
