Question BenQ Zowie XL2411P no 144hz option

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Oct 17, 2017
Just got this monitor, used the displayport cable which it came with, plugged it in, everything was fine, then I go to nvidia settings and cannot change the refresh rate beyond 60hz. Is there anything I am forgetting to do?
Stinto, open up Nvidia control panel, go to change resolution, if you have selected the 1080p, 1920 x 1080 (native) resolution there lies your problem. you should click on customize, check the box that says enable resolutions not exposed by the display then click on create custom resolution. In that tab select the resolution you want and change the HZ to 144. click on test and keep it. That should do it, if you get selected back to the old one automatically, scroll down under the pc tab and then click on the 1920x1080 custom resolution you just made. That should do it if im not mistaken.
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