Best 13.1 Settings

and this will really destroy the visual quality as well, textures only eat up the vram and dont really affect the fps that much...

The OP asked for max performance, which would definitely include lowering texture quality. Depending on the filter applied and resolution rendered to, texture quality has a monumental influence on FPS. This would include anisotropic quality rendering in higher settings, and requiring a significantly higher amount of memory and bandwidth to run smoothly.

With not knowing the OPs rig or games/application being used, I recommended to set everything to low. They didn't ask for optimized settings, but best performance.

So whatr settings would you advise for me ?

so you included all the filters etc to the same bunch... not just textures themselves. ok

So whatr settings would you advise for me ?
well you could set everything else to 'performance' but keep the 'mipmap detail level' at quality or high quality, and set the smoothvision AA and AF to use application settings and then turn them off in the games