R rqvnia Distinguished Dec 17, 2002 32 0 18,530 Dec 17, 2002 #1 Hello please post me your recommendings for excellent 21" monitors under $1000 (US). Also I hear that there be 2 grey lines on Diamondtrons and Trinitrons...are they an big deal? Thank you!
Hello please post me your recommendings for excellent 21" monitors under $1000 (US). Also I hear that there be 2 grey lines on Diamondtrons and Trinitrons...are they an big deal? Thank you!
R rqvnia Distinguished Dec 17, 2002 32 0 18,530 Dec 19, 2002 #2 Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2070SB and Sony G520P the damper lines aren't a big deal, you get used to them
Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2070SB and Sony G520P the damper lines aren't a big deal, you get used to them
U upec Distinguished Dec 31, 2007 2,614 0 20,780 Dec 20, 2002 #3 I agree. Both are very good monitor.