Alright so I need a GPU, and I don't really wanna spend much more than $200, but I might go a little over. I am mainly looking at the nVidia 660, AMD 7850 and the AMD 7870. Not sure which, I would go for a 660Ti but I can't go that much over. I am leaning towards the 7870 because of price and performance and well it has 256 bit memory instead of 660's 192 bit. Also I am thinking that I can crossfire the 7870's down the road I can do the same with the 7850 and SLI the 660. I wish I had more money I'd grab the 660Ti and do a 3 Way SLI down the road xD. Please give input and experience.
nVidia 660
AMD 7850
AMD 7870
nVidia 660
AMD 7850
AMD 7870