This could readily turn into you buying a PSU that is worth more than your entire system. It's also a really bad time to be buying them because of the shortages and pricing.
I would consider this a gamble play. You think of what you consider your current rig to be worth. You consider the CHEAPEST you could replace it. Without considering fine details I would 'think' that a 4th or 5th gen Optiplex refurb would easily do it...pricing on those (used to be) about $100 give or take an OS license.
With that said, it's going to be REALLY hard to recommend you buy some $60 plus dollar PSU to put in this. At the same time, where $40 used to be a worthwhile investment on a name brand edging on sketchy quality power supply are now closer to that $60 mark. I would have said look for the $25 EVGA 600W white...but that simply doesn't exist. IF you COULD find a PSU for sub $40 I would be very concerned about using it and "that gamble" that you will shortly need a new system.
TBH, for right this moment I would likely surf around for a good local deal on an older quality PSU unit or sit on this for a bit till PSU prices level out some. The only reason I would justify spending the type of money on a quality unit RIGHT THIS SECOND would be if I were building new or replacing in VERY recent.