Best card for 1600*900 gaming

That would kind of depend on your budget.

Radeon 5770 and nVidia GTS 450 are great cards for that resolution, but if you have the budget, a step up to Radeon 6850 or nVidia GTX 460 should make you able to max out most games.
Will get a GTX 460 1gb hawk edition. Will that do any good for 1600X900 gaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I have an SLI motherboard. I will probably sli in future if any game demands higher graphics.)
Yes, that should enable you to run all but the most taxing (or badly optimized) games at max settings, and as you say, you have the option of going SLI if the need arises.

Edit: just make sure that your PSU is up to the task of running the card.
start with a gtx460 768mb upwards. but if you're on a tight budget, disregard the gts450 on your next alternative list and look at a 5770.

if you have the money to spend a gtx560ti would be a very good long term investment. if you can extend the budget, a 570/6950 is also worth a mention.
thank you. One more question.

Can I get a 21.5" monitor 1920x1080 resolution (benq g2220HD). I can get a replacement.

Will it work fine with gtx 460 1gb hawk edition.

I will SLI in future when required.
Sure, it will work, but it puts a lot more stress on the video card, and though it will still perform admirably, I would look to get a GTX 560 Ti if you are going for a 1080p resolution.

Edit: Again, make sure that your PSU is up to the task of powering the video card.
ok then, I'd better stick on to a single GTX 460 1gb hawk for now with the same 1600x900 monitor. If the need arises, I will SLI another one because I have an SLI motherboard and not crossifre (just to stay future proof). Is that ok now.

do you see an old game like Quake 3 having issues running at that res with a low end video card from 4 years ago? NO - IT DOESNT MATTER

if you can afford a GTX470 or better BUY IT, next get games will challenge your card more and it will last longer before you have to upgrade again

this BS resolution vs video card selection needs to end, its all BS
No. I will not go for a GTX 470 (heat issues) but I can afford it though but simply don't want to go for it.

As far as AMD cards are concerned. I have an SLI motherboard (ASUS M4N75TD). So just to be future proof, I would like to go the nvidia way instead of AMD.

But there's one question in my mind. Please clear me about it:

I have heard that Bulldozer CPU's are going to arrive and the AM3+ chipset would support the AM3 CPU's and AM3+ CPU's only. The Bulldozer would not run on a AM3 motherboard.

So considering that I have a 955BE CPU that I can use it on a AM3+ motherboard, should I opt for an AMD card such as the HD 6870 or the HD 6950 1GB.

Please clear one more thing. Will the AM3+ chipsets support SLI instead of crossfire only. If they support SLI then I can probably be happy that I can use both the features of AMD and SLI with the bulldozer chipset and later on upgrade the CPU also.

The max resolution of the monitor dictates what would be the minimum acceptable video card to recommend.

The OP didn't indicate that he/she was only going to play Quake 3. The recommendation is based on the minimum acceptable performance for the games released today for the resolution specified.

If the guy was planning to buy 5770, and has a 1080 screen then it's easy to deduce (based on video card reviews) that when playing at the native resolution of the screen @ max settings, it would be a slow on newer titles.

The only BS I could see here is your opinion.

I doubt that AMD or nvidia would be making SLi capable boards with AMD processors in the near future. For one, nVidia's chipset division has been pushed aside and most of the personnel have been relocated to other nvidia product segments. This was with the trouble with Intel, wherein they were disallowed to make chipsets for the newer processors. They won that case, but nvidia isn't interested as much anymore with chipsets as they have lost time and ground with it, and they are expanding to other market segments (such as mobile and CUDA).

I doubt AMD would make it that easy for nvidia to make chipsets for AMD products. AMD wants to deliver well integrated products AMD+ATi, and seemingly nvidia shouldn't be in that picture.

However, this is all speculation at best, just like the performance of Bulldozer. We won't know until there is an announcement or the products are actually here.

I don't know if it'd be better to stick with nvidia or ati, it probably depends on the features your looking for.

PhysX, 3DVision or CUDA = nvidia
Eyefinity or APP (which isn't as popular as CUDA) = ati

Go with the 6870 if you find it cheap and don't mind the possible performance hit with games that use tessellation in the future. Go with the 6950 if you're more concerned with a bit better performance and better tessellation performance.
thank you for the info.

Anyways, I'd better go with nvidia for now since I have already bought this sli board. the bulldozer still has a long time to be released.

I think that a single gtx 460 1gb hawk would suffice now for 1600x900. If the bulldozer gets released I will probably buy another ati card and use the 460 for physx.

irfan88, i would not consider the gtx460 if you can buy better. You will see we ware right in next winter when you will have to reduce the quality of the picture to play the games at that resolution. If you can afford buy a 560ti or a 6950. Older games like COD will work at the current resolution at max settings but newer ones won't work. Also if i remember right nvidia does not work with ati cards in the same pc for physx only with a special driver witch also can cause problems.

It's your choice in the end.

EDIT: even more a single card is always better then 2 because not all games support sli and there might be problems in some and also you will not get twice the speed but 1. something.
don't you think that nvidia would be a better buy because everywhere I hear complains about ATI drivers not being stable. sometimes they give 60+ fps and a few times not even 20+ fps. They are just not stable.

this doesn't meen that I don't like ATI. I like their CPU's and motherboards (value) but I am a little scared going the ATI cards way. What do you suggest because the 560Ti is not yet available in India and the 470's are just stupid (always running hot).

I cannot afford a 570. The Max that I can afford is a HD 6950 1gb.
I have never had problems with drivers with HD2600xt and 5770. The only game where i had those problems was metro 2033 witch is a stupid optimized game, all video cards have that problem there.

If you are not in a hurry why not wait for the 560ti to become available there and buy it then? If you really want something now and want to go nvidia buy the 460. I know i would try to wait.
Can you suggest me a good model of GTX 460 1gb or is this card any good.
please read my comments mentioned above in the thread. The 560 has not been released in India yet.

so please suggest one among the 460 1gb models and also suggest me one of the 470 models (because I will check if they are still available in the indian market).

please suggest me both the cards. One from the 460 and one from the 470.