Best CPU for Handbrake 2017 (Post Ryzen release)

Handbrake is a multithreaded CPU bound program, though they are working on a GPU mode, so more CPU cores equals better performance. At this point in time you should look at the new AMD R7 cpus. The intel chips with similar core counts cost about twice as much so are basically pointless for your use case.

R7 review has handbrake tests in them.,4951-8.html


Jul 22, 2015

For this application just as an example would the 1800x be better than the 1700?
I'll look into it thank you.


I agree with this. I've seen benchmarks in YouTube that state the r7 1700 is the "best bang for your buck" and price to performance. There's additional overclocking headroom to further justify this. Besides, if you're only doing productivity, you won't need the 1800x's higher frequency.

The 1800x is better but not worth the major price increase over the 1700. Unless you are straight up desperate for even a fraction of an increase in performance.