Still as technology buffs we rant and rave about the latest and greatest and as soon as it drops, anything before it is now antiquated. So every month we talk about the latest and greatest CPU's and why they are considered so. How does it make sense to gauge the performance of these chips with ancient obsolete titles that do not utilize the technology to it's full potential or even attempt to reflect the rapidly changing state of CPU utilization in the software industry.It's like writing a review about the brand new fastest car in the world but only testing it on a 100 MPH 1/4 mile dirt track. You are not going to get any real word demonstration of what the car was meant to do or the claims it makes because you are not testing it in an arena where it is allowed to demonstrate it's strengths. Core utilization in mainstream softwares (most specifically graphically intensive games and production suites) is definitely moving away from single threaded efficiency in favor of utilizing more threads. I mean seriously all of the biggest latest and greatest next gen engines from all of the top dog studios are now scaling across multiple cores (cryengine3, frostbite4, Luminous, Fox, UR4) Just to name a few off the top of my head.How can people sit here and continue to ignore this trend as it stares them dead in the face. Yes the i3 is faster clock for clock but the dual core is dead and that is painfully obvious when comparing the 2 in thread friendly modern software.