RedJaron :
I still think the 4440 needs to be mentioned here. A $70 gap is pretty sizable and that small clock boost doesn't mean much of anything when gaming as the3.1 GHz is more than beefy enough. The real story of stepping from the i3 to i5 is the four physical cores and larger L3. I'll pay $50 for that, but I don't need to spend ~$20 extra for a performance boost I won't even notice outside benchmarks.
The 4430,4440, and 4570 have been all over the map on pricing. Quite often the 4570 is cheaper, or so close in price, that a 4430 or 4440 isn't worth looking at. Today it is the 4440, tomorrow, who knows? Maybe it should read i5 4430 with a mention of this issue, so the buyers know to look at 4430, 4440, and 4570 before they buy.
The 1230v3 also deserves an honorable mention for the non overclocking crowd. I would buy one before I would consider a 4670k or 4770k, as I am no longer interested in overclocking.