Didnt know they were bad honestly.
Some of their products are ok... I guess I should say, the company 'got too big for its britches', or something like that?
I know there's pricing segmentation and all, but it was worse on Asus' end - before they expanded their TUF line, which was only on motherboards at the time.
You were buying a turd if you didn't get a Strix back then.
[Trying to keep it to gpus only]
Now I look at 'em, and I'm like, why are you guys charging so much more for your Strix now compared to the other brands, when their stuff checks out great in reviews and the like?
There's nothing 'more special' about 'em to warrant that.
After the tariff price hikes and blah, blah, blah...
RTX 3080 Strix: Why the EFF is that 930USD+, when this-
Reviews for both models were good.
Yes, I'm tripping over an 6% price increase on cards that shouldn't have been more than 770USD at most, bite me.
But that's 50 bucks I could spend elsewhere if need be.
Sorry, I didn't want to derail this into a hate Asus thread.
Hate ROG.
Yeah, so the best gpu brand? That's the EVGA FTUF Gaming Z.