best graphic card for adobe premiere pro


Dec 8, 2016
any one could help me with the best editing graphic card.
i work premire pro and i hate frezzing i am building a new computer,now is a chance to ask some one.
please if any one has the best graphic card,but now the most expencive card tht can be recommanded.
and laptop graphic cards also.i also want to change my laptop. so any one has a idea for grphic cards for adobe premiere pro.
(A) Although editing, I believe, is more CPU based like using an i7 6700K, a GPU recommendation for editing is a GTX 1070 or Radeon RX 480, but you could go more or less expensive if you please. But also get yourself a SSD with 200GB or more for the files and software and of course a large HDD for video storage. As for the laptop, you can go for an "Apple MacBook Air 13-inch" or something with a i7 6700hq processor.

(B) If you're on a budget get a gtx 1060 or radeon rx 480. As for the CPU, I'd recommend an i5 4670K. Also get yourself some 16GB of ram if possible, if not at least 8GB. As mentioned, a 200GB or more SSD should be enough and a large HDD is pretty cheap nowadays.
(A) Although editing, I believe, is more CPU based like using an i7 6700K, a GPU recommendation for editing is a GTX 1070 or Radeon RX 480, but you could go more or less expensive if you please. But also get yourself a SSD with 200GB or more for the files and software and of course a large HDD for video storage. As for the laptop, you can go for an "Apple MacBook Air 13-inch" or something with a i7 6700hq processor.

(B) If you're on a budget get a gtx 1060 or radeon rx 480. As for the CPU, I'd recommend an i5 4670K. Also get yourself some 16GB of ram if possible, if not at least 8GB. As mentioned, a 200GB or more SSD should be enough and a large HDD is pretty cheap nowadays.
If the motherboard has a PCIe slot, it can theoretically support any kind of GPU you put in it, if you want to make sure, what is your motherboard?

The Apple Macbook Air just has "less hassle" and a "more stable operating system" and has Final Cut Pro X , but you're using adobe premiere so let's scratch that.

I honestly would just get one of these:

($1,200) ASUS ZENBOOK:

($870) ASUS K501UW:


Thank you!

I also want to build a video editing system with Ryzen 1700. I would be using Adobe Prepere Pro. Would GTX 1050Ti 4GB be sufficient and future proof(for 4 to 5 years) for video editing?