Best Graphics Cards for the Money (Archive)

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The new format is completely worthless and misleading. The whole point is best card FOR THE MONEY, NOT FOR THE RESOLUTION. If there are no price buckets, as the article title implies, the article becomes trash. If tomshardware continues this format, I will have to find a better site that understands this simple concept.
Can you also include SLI and Crossfire configs into this because many of us have a single card and debate if its worth adding another one or upgrading to a more powerful single platform.

I personally would say looking at other bench marks that say for the most part adding a second gpu will increase performance by 50 persent, yes I have seen better but I would say average.
3DMark Fire Strike
Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti SLI (4-way) 29,680
Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti SLI (3-way) 27,321
Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti SLI 23,287
Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti 15,141
I have heard people say double but have not seen a benchmark to prove it, hope this helps, but you also have to remember crossfire and sli cost more, use more power and you need a processor that can handle it,
I have one question:
Would it be dumb to combine an I5 3570K processor, 8GB of dual RAMS, and a ASUS P8Z77V-LK motherboard with a Geforce980Ti to max out 1440p graphics? Is it too much of an unbalance between graphics card and the other parts?
I am wondering if it would be more reasonable to buy a Radeon R9 390.
However, I would like to make my computer endure games with high performance for a while.

I would say no, personally you will have a short coming in the memory and processor area but you can upgrade those later. If you have the funds for a better graphics card now then why waste your money on a less powerful one if gaming is your intent. The higher power card will run faster and better on your games, I really do not think you will notice that much of a bottle neck compared to a lower end card. But if you are not in a hurry nvidia is supposed to launch the new line of graphic cards in April but most are saying early summer, and I know they will probably release a mid range card first, but still might be worth the wait. Hoped this helped. But in my opinion if I must have it now, look for a good deal on a used gpu, maybe reddit, and with the savings get more ram and if you have enough pick up a 460 or even a 4790k processor, or hey sell what you have and pick up a mobo, 6600k or 6700k, and ddr4 ram, this will keep you gaming for another 2 to 4 years. A used 6600k processor 150 to 175, a good gigabyte or MSI mobo 50 to 100, 16 gb ddr4 2400 50 to 100, used 980 ti 500 to 700, I have seen prices all over the place on everything, but all in I would sat 800 to maybe 1000 sell your mobo, processor, and ram, maybe 150, if you have a gpu to sell, who knows, also maybe someone might have a good trade for you. But on the other have look up the nvidias new cards, they will be faster and use less power, might just be worth the wait.

Ok to help you out
this bench mark was done with
Motherboard: ASUS Rampage V Extreme
CPU: Intel Core i7 5960X
Memory: Kingston 16GB

ok the 390x runs for 400 about 60 to 80 fps
the r9 nano runs for 450 and you get an average of 5 fps more then the 390
And the 980 ti runs for about 660 and you get about 10 fps more the the nano
and the r9 furry runs about 650 and averaged 5 fps slower then the 980ti
this is on average and the results differ from game to game
so you really have 3 options
1 wait for next gen gpu
2 go with 980 ti and upgrade the rest over time
3 r9 nano and it gives you 200 to ungrateful items now, sell your mobo, processor, ram and gpu, for about 150 to 200 this will give you 400, 6600k gpu, mobo,and memory for right at 400, you can also upgrade psu I would say 650 or better
but you should increase ram by 8 gb, this will also help your game play.

Yes I do agree completely but the 6600k gives him the option of upgrade later on to something more powerful also gives him ddr4 ram, so I was giving him a reasonable upgrade at a reasonable price to buy him a couple of years
DDR3 vs DDR4 really isn't much of an improvement either. The 980ti would be a far better upgrade, for the money, for gaming. If not for me wanting better multitasking, I wouldn't even be thinking of upgrading my CPU, at this time. But with my folding @ home, and playing CPU intensive games, while doing stuff on another monitor, I am finding myself wanting to go i7. If 3770k's weren't so expensive still, on Ebay, I would just grab one of those instead of building over.

I completely agree, and I would upgrade the gpu and add some ram and you will be well set for a couple of years, if you shop around you can pick up a cpu cheap, but you have to be fast and looking I would really recommend reddit, and you could sell or even trade your 650 for a cpu or ram. Selling I think you should be able to get 50 for it, just if you have it over clocked be sure to return it back to factory specs. I do see 980 ti on reddit I would say 550 on average

By the way my first line in my first reply said yes go for the 980ti, I give other options because it is the right thing to do, I have to lay out the options he has so he can make the right choice. He will not always game and he will one day want to upgrade his system, and nvidia and AMD are both coming out with new lines of gpu's this year so me personally I would wait for the new line, but if you must do something now, why not upgrade in preparation for the new line of gpu's, the 650 or even a used 290 or 970 will hold him for a year in gaming, the 970 will run 1440 at 30 plus fps and the new line of cards will be faster and will consume less energy, so why not wait. But the 980 ti is still a great card and will get him through the next couple of years. This is his choice and he needs the facts to help him out. If gaming tomorrow at the best he can get is his goal then yes 980 ti and additional ram is the way to go. 8 gb ddr3 ram will set him back 30 dollars so well worth the expanse, in my opinion.

Ok and because you brought up an age old argument here are some facts
DDR4, the latest generation of RAM, offers increased speed and efficiency for computing devices. Short for "double data rate fourth generation", DDR4 is set to makes its debut on the smartphone, tablet, and desktop computer, market in 2014. Developers began drawing up the plans for DDR4 in 2005, two years before its predecessor, DDR3, hit the market. This new memory chip technology boasts increased transfer speeds that will boost performance of your favorite devices. The previous generation of dynamic RAM offered speeds between 800 and 2133 MT/s (million transfers per second), but DDR4 supports speeds of between 2133 and 4266 MT/s. Along with its increased speed, DDR4 also is more efficient, using a maximum of 1.2 Volts compared to DDR3's maximum 1.65 Volts.

This cutting-edge memory is the foundation for the next-generation of devices. DDR4 enables developers to add more powerful processors to their hardware. For consumers, that means advanced computing capabilities on all platforms, whether it's a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. DDR4 also will enable hardware manufacturers to boost the battery life on their mobile devices, a major concern for millions of smartphone users. Consumers might not celebrate this internal hardware development, but we rely on it to run the systems and applications we love.

But also remember they have already set ddr5 in motion 5 or 6 years ago so those will also be out in 3 to 5 years from now, and with a new processors to
And yes they have higher cas numbers but you can always I do not recommend and do it at your own risk increase the voltage to 1.3 and bring the cas to 12 or 13 instead of 14 to 16

Here is a good start for you
Speccing the roundup by target resolution / quality seems like a great idea. I liked it. I hope you guys add the GTX 950 to the hierarchy list next time you do one of these though.
Yeah, not a good change, focusing only on the very expensive cards... unless suddenly everyone got rich and is ready to spend more than 200 and I am the sad minority that looks for the best value for money cards
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