Best Graphics Cards For The Money: January 2012 (Archive)

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The R9 280 should replace the 270x. Its faster (duh), comes with 3GB opposed to 2GB (you have to pay for 4GB on the 270(x)), has 4 way CF, and is eligible for Never Settle Gold instead of the 270x'es Silver.
Nothing here talks about how hot a 290 can get. then to reconmend them in crossfire? are you trying to set fire to readers homes?

That's probably an extremely alarmist statement.

The aftermarket cooling options are fine, and if you're going dual 290 it's assumed that you have a decent case with good airflow. I haven't heard of any house fires from dual 290s, but if I'm wrong point me to the news writeup. :)


It can't replace it as there's a $90 spread between them. They're in two different price segments entirely.

What I find shocking is that in a world full of technological changes, the computer I built nearly two full years ago based on an i7-3770K and a 7970 OC version is still holding its own. I haven't seen a compelling reason to upgrade yet. In fact, now I wonder about picking up an older 7970 OC version for crossfire if I really want more frames. Things are different than they used to be. For a long time, it would have been impossible for a 2+ year old card to still be relevant.
I agree. It is amazing how much longevity a little well-considered future-resistance can buy. Right now, software seems pretty stagnant, especially when you consider that developers MUST write for the masses if they expect to make any money; the masses have mass-market systems, not enthusiast rigs. We should be glad for the eye candy we do get.

I would go with the Radeon equivalent (R7 260X) unless you're limited by your power supply and it would be too much trouble to upgrade it without changing your whole system.

The BitCoin fallout is rampant. There are currently quite a few R9 290s, 290xs up for bid. I got a great deal on a Gigabyte Windforce R9 290.

Just be glad that it has peaked

You can get R9 280 for the money you would spend to buy GTX 760. 280 is way better card than 760.
Ha. I just remembered, it's not worth getting the R9 290X, when it provides nothing substantial in performance, over the R9 290.

R9 290 is really the best GPU for the dollar.
This is a very good guide for gpu performance vs price. For gamers who are looking for a new pc this is the most main part where you cannot cut back your money on. If you are on a budget then i suggest go for (r9-290). If your not on a budget then gtx 780 ti should do fine. This suggestion is based on my research from march 2014 to june 2014. For future there maybe cheaper and better gpus so be sure to research before buying.

I disagree with these two points. The place you cannot skimp is the PSU, as the long term health and stability of any system depend on clean, reliable power. And, if you're on a budget, a $100 card (currently a R7 260X) will allow you to play any modern game on "enjoyable" settings.
I must say that graph at the end is probably the worst conveyor of information I have seen in a while.
The key is that the article is about "Best graphics card for the money".The graph gives the performance information and the price information, but leaves it to the viewer to do the mental math of dividing the performance by the price. Which I believe most people, including me, will get wrong just using their head.
In order to covay clear information please put in there somewhere the value of performance/price for each card, so different tiers can be compared more easily.

Thanks, its been the one thing bugging me in otherwise great articles.
You can even get the GTX 750 Ti for 109$ on Newegg with Mail-in rebates.
so, what's the best upgrade from a gtx 650?? 🙁
#StillConfused ?_?
PS I play at 1440x900 res 😛
A Geforce GTX 760 would be able to play a lot of games on Ultra settings on 1440x900 resolution. And that card is one of the best bang/buck video card, and there is currently an Asus one for 210$ on NewEgg.
It's interesting to me how when the GTX 760 was the recommended card in place of the current R9 270x, the title was " Upper Mid-range Value". And the title for the 270x is "Serious Upper Mainstream Performance". Seems like the 270x gets a little more hype for some reason.
Gigabyte OC R7 250X: $95

MSI OC R7 260X: $120

XFX R7 265: $144

HIS IceQ X^2 R9 270X: $170

XFX DD R9 280X: $280

Gigabyte Windforce R9 290: $360

Those are the cheapest models for each card.
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