Best low power video card


Jun 6, 2009
I made the mistake of letting the wife play second life on my pc now she doesn't want to go back to her laptop. I want my pc back and I have another one laying around with an athlon x2 4850e and a 6600gt. I'm looking for something with a little more power without replacing the power supply either 300 or 350 watt. Please help me get my pc back thanks.
The best low power card without the need for a pcie power plug is the hd4670. The best low power card with 1 power connector is the hd4770. However, if the psu is low quality, it may not handle it. But does second life really need a good card? Can't the 6600gt handle it?
I was looking at the 9600 gso but it needs 6 pin plug. I was looking at the 4650 but 4670 is only $15 more so that looks like a winner. The 6600 I have does meet the minimum I'm trying to get her to try it on that pc but now she wants a card comparable to my 4830 and I think the 4670 is pretty close performance wise. Thanks for the quick responses guys.

definitely go with the 4670 if you haven't made the choice yet. Awesome low power solution that I recommend for almost every budget build.

Hahahaha, can you find me a 4670 for 35$ ? How old are you 10? You should be banned from forums lmao

And the 4670 is only about 10% fast lmao you can get 2 9600GSO for the price of one 4670 ONLY to get 10% faster lmao thats stupid.
His power supply has more than enough power to drive the 9600GSO he can just use the converter lmao
I bet it will work flawlessly.

If its me and on a very tight budget, I would get an OCZ 700W for 69.99$( and get two cards ( for 69.99$ that will be worth it lool SLI 9600GSO eats the 4850 for only 69.99$ 😱

If his board support SLI or he can upgrade later.

I still thnik your post is not right because you want him to buy a card that is 2x price and only 10% faster your math skills are too low lmao Thats why I ask about your age lool :)

LoolL I just read this in your post -- This is why never listen to newcomers-- Lool make me laught cant resist. You really think if we are new comer we just started computer skills in real life? I know computers from 15 years lol Doesnt mean a newcomer know nothing. Im pretty sure I know a lot of things that people doesn't know here hehe. I just revived/repaired my GigaWorks S750 damn the sound is just taking my head.

Sorry guys I had to write this because his post was making me laught in the morning lool You can delete the post. :hello: