R Rchow125 Mar 9, 2019 12 0 10 Mar 18, 2019 #1 I’m looking for the best mATX motherboard that I can afford. I’m looking at spending about a max of 200 if necessary but around 150ish. Needs to be able to support a i7 8700 cpu And have 4 ram slots. RGB on it would be a plus to 😁 Plz help!
I’m looking for the best mATX motherboard that I can afford. I’m looking at spending about a max of 200 if necessary but around 150ish. Needs to be able to support a i7 8700 cpu And have 4 ram slots. RGB on it would be a plus to 😁 Plz help!
geofelt Titan Oct 9, 2006 55,538 4,621 174,240 Mar 18, 2019 #2 Define "best" cost? appearance? needed features? chipset required? Any future updates planned? Why 4 ram slots? Asrock, in general seems to have the more budget friendly offerings. Here is one: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157867 Upvote 0 Downvote
Define "best" cost? appearance? needed features? chipset required? Any future updates planned? Why 4 ram slots? Asrock, in general seems to have the more budget friendly offerings. Here is one: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157867
C Calvin7 Titan Feb 19, 2013 11,722 335 76,490 Mar 19, 2019 #3 MSI MPG Z390M GAMING EDGE AC https://www.newegg.com/Product/Prod...0 matx&cm_re=z390_matx-_-13-144-214-_-Product Upvote 0 Downvote
MSI MPG Z390M GAMING EDGE AC https://www.newegg.com/Product/Prod...0 matx&cm_re=z390_matx-_-13-144-214-_-Product