Best Motherboard and CPU combination for me?


Nov 28, 2011
Hi all,

I'm looking to build a PC again, first time after quite a few years.

I'm considering the following combination:

Asus P8H67-V Motherboard
Intel Core i5 2500 3.3 GHz Processor

I don't plan to overclock or game.

My primary use would be Video Editing.

What do people think of this? Is there perhaps another combination I should be considering? Will the in-build video adaptor on the motherboard suffice? Or should I go for the non-V version and buy a video card separately?

Any advice appreciated.
Be sure to get 16 gb of ram if you can buy today. Should be able to find an 8 gb set and get two of them. Start with the onboard video, and you can get the card later if funds are tight. Newegg and frys have big sales today.
The processor and mobo will work great but you should consider some alternatives because of the limitations of the hardware you mention.

Because you seem to want to use the native video (iGPU) on the CPU to do your video editing I recommend that you go with the HD Graphics 3000 rather than the HD graphics 2000 chip. This processor,, gives you 3.3 GHz speed and the 3000 graphics. Now the downside is that it is only dual (as opposed to quad) core, but that may not be a downside for your video editing apps.

If you need a quad core processor I recommend that you go to the 2500K as it is only $5 more than a slower i5 2405S chip (both have the HD 300 graphics). If you want HD 3000 graphics and hyperthreading then the dual core processor above will do, or you will need to jump to the i7 2600K.

As for mobos, ASUS is a good OEM, but there are good alternatives from ASRock, Gigabyte, Biostar, MSI, Intel and others. I would look for the best features at the lowest price.

Thanks Chesteracorgi,

Some excellent points there. Could you suggest 2 or 3 mobo's I should consider?
This MSI is on special for $40 (after MIR):
The downside is that it has the least features and only 2 RAM slots.

I've used this one from Biostar in a previous build:
It lacks UEFI BIOS, but is a solid board.

I like ASRocks product line:

For a comparable ASUS: