Best PC for a Gaming Youtuber


Aug 8, 2015
Hey guys, I am a small Youtuber at about 140 subscribers, and want to build a gaming PC for myself. I mostly want to do Funny Gaming Moments, Tutorials or other fun things in Video Games in my videos. So i wanna build a PC that can do all that. I may get into doing walkthroughs and stuff later on! Here's the PC that i've planned for myself.

i3 8100

Gigabyte's H310 mobo

8 GB of DDR4 RAM at 2400mhz



CM MasterBox 5 Case

and all of this would cost me around, 370 USD in my Country i.e. INDIA

So now the thing that I want to mainly question you guys is the GPU. If i should go for a 1050 ti or a 1060 3GB. The differece in price is around 45 USD.

So guys what do you think, which one is gonna stack up better for me in the case of being a Gaming Youtuber and making videos about a game's story, game mechanics and other fun gaming videos, like montages and voiceovers. Please help me guys with your valuable suggestions.

I'd love to hear anything that can improve my currently planned PC too, but mostly i want your suggestions for the Graphics Card.

Thanks to everyone leaving a suggestion, in advance 😀
1050 Ti is enough, it can run any game at 1080p medium settings at 60 FPS, don't get the 1060 3 GB because of its lesser VRAM. While 3 GB VRAM can run almost any game right now, games have started using more VRAM, so the 1060 3 GB is not as future-proof. If you can go for a GTX 1060 6 GB, that would be the best choice, otherwise skip the 1060 3 GB and get the 1050 Ti.

Build seems okay, but can you tell us the exact model of the PSU? Cooler Master has tons of 450 W power supplies. Also, I would suggest getting a Corsair CX450, it may or may not be more expensive but it's a great unit. The PSU is a crucial part of your build, and a bad PSU can damage other components as well. So getting a good PSU is an essential part of building any gaming PC.
I would go for 1050 Ti, should be good enough for gaming, but thing a bit more important for you, i3 8100 might not hold well when you play & stream.
I would use i5 8400 or better. games tend to use 4 cores and 8400 will have additional 2 that can handle stream. Another thing if your mobo supports 2666 ram then also up that. its ~5$ for ~8% faster ram

Well, thank you very much for your suggestions dude. I would surely reconsider my PSU choice and i know that the CX series by corsair is better that the 80+ White certified CM PSU as it is 80+ broze certified. But what i think is, if i gotta go with the 1050 ti and i3 8100 there should be more than sufficient power supplied to my whole build. What do you think, whould it be safe to go with the 80+ White general Certification OR i'll have to go and get a bronze certified PSU?

Thank you very much buddy for your suggestions i'll try to implement the higher speed RAM suggestion as i can't mess alot around the CPU side, because of the budget constraints. Whereas in a year or two i may give a go to an i5 or an i7 on the same PC.

It's not just about the power supply having enough wattage. It's about the quality of the internal components. The CX series has good reliability and it has better protection features that help in smooth functioning of the system. It's not just about the efficiency rating either - that only changes your system's total power consumption from the wall. But the CX units have lower failure rate, and they are in all good units for the price. I would suggest going with them, the CX450 isn't too expensive, even in India it is only Rs 3200, which isn't too much for a great PSU:

Thank you so much for the link from mdcomputers bro!! i appreciate that, now i'll go with the CX one as the Cooler Master one was of about 2990. So i can definitely give it a go!