Best Plotter to make signs


May 31, 2001
Hi everybody,
I would like to buy a Plotter to be able to cut stickers out for the vehicles of my DSM car club... I need a Plotter for "home use" if I could say that, nothing industrial, I won't be making many signs and banners... I already saw a couple of brands around, but I have no idea which one I should get. Does anybody have experience in this field? Which brand will be the best for my use? A brand that can sell me the knives when they wear out without issues, that makes small good quality plotters.

thnx in advance


A television may insult your intelligence but nothing rubs it in
like a computer.
I've only had experience with HP plotters (Designjet 600, 650, 800, and 1055CM), we've had no problems with them. HP does stock components for their older plotters/printers, and you can also get warranty upgrades etc. I think that the quality of their lower end large format plotters is pretty basic though(about 300 DPI in colour), so I don't know if they'll suit what you want to do. I guess it depends on how much detail you want in those stickers.
thank you novakain,
I'll go and check out HP's site...


A television may insult your intelligence but nothing rubs it in
like a computer.