So this one? Good, then your PSU will have the correct 6 pin connector and will have sufficient amps on the +12V to power it.
About the 35A for gaming. He doesn't specify why or provide any links to agree with him. And when he says
High end SMPS has multiple 12v rails on them and have more than 30amp current on it.
He is correct that these ones won't have over 30A, but that doesn't mean they won't work for gaming, they are $40 PSUs after all and not high end ones
Look at this topic, it may be old but still relevant.
The GTX 590 listed in the Best Answer is equivalent to a 770 and it needs 30-35A.,3107-7.html
You have the 660 which is equal to the 580. You need between 20-25A.
Thank you though, those were tough questions for me, had to research a lot. It helped me learn a bit more
Enjoy your build!