
Mar 5, 2010
Hello looking for a god registry cleaner, was using CCleaner but I just upgraded to the latest edition and ran into some problems and had to roll my system back to solve the problems. Found the following review of the major contenders I was thinking about the one by PC Tools seems to be the least expensive I have a coupon and it appears to be highly recommended only thing is I'm thinking about buying a new laptop 64 bit and I'm not sure if they come in different flavors doesn't make any since to purchase one for my XP machine if I can't use it on my new 17 inch laptop I plan on purchasing sometime within the next few months, Also whats the best free or shareware version out there to. Well looking forward to your suggestions. Thanks!!

Tom j.

I'm quite happy with AVG and if you aren't a business user, you're entitled to the free version. I'd never recommend the use of the Registry cleaner part of CCleaner without first making a backup although I must admit I don't do it myself because I've no reason to believe it would mess anything up. What seems to be wrong with the system since this happened?



Mar 5, 2010


Mar 5, 2010
Whats the best one in your opinion what do you think about PC Tools, got a coupon which would bring the price down to about 20 US. Also if you had a problem with CCleaner like I did what would you do just backup and try it again, and how would you determine what went wrong. Thanks!

Tom j.

I'm quite happy with AVG and if you aren't a business user, you're entitled to the free version. I'd never recommend the use of the Registry cleaner part of CCleaner without first making a backup although I must admit I don't do it myself because I've no reason to believe it would mess anything up. What seems to be wrong with the system since this happened?



Jul 17, 2010
well i went off using registry cleaners for a long time coz everytime i used one it would pretty much delete all the *** in the registry as well as all the system files! i found one that does a really good job so i stick to it now and it still works on windows 7, but i reakon this stuff all boils down to your own opinion. I use xp windows cleaner you should be able to find it at
Hmm - a redirect that goes somewhere with your name on it. Smacks not only of advertising but also a bit of a dodgy site with an equally questionable product.

Unwary posters may wish to hear a recommendation from someone in the know before using this on the most important part of their Windows system.