Question Best Single Core Performance


Nov 24, 2018

I want to make a new pc since mine is quite old and started to get a lot lot slower. I just want your help about the CPU I am going to choose , since I play mostly old games that are optimised for 1 cpu core ( I know right ) can you guys recommend me some CPU's that have great single core performance? Under 200 euro if possible. I mean I would rather get a 4 core cpu with good single core performance rather than 8 core if that makes sense . People told me that the ryzen 5 2600 has very good single core performance and its also a 6 core beast is there any 4core cpus that have even better singe core than the ryzen 5?

Thanks in advance
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
MBO: any B450 (I would suggest Asus, Msi, Gigabyte)
RAM: 8gb at least 3000Mhz (I would suggest 2x8gb though, prices of RAM have fallen significantly)
SSD: If you can afford it 500GB M.2 NVMe, if not classical SATA3 SSD are cheaper and not much slower)
HDD: If you need it, just don't buy WD blue, they are very slow.
GPU: RTX 2060 would be very good with that CPU, GTX 1660Ti is a bit chepaer though. Depends on the monitor (resoulution and refresh rate).
PSU: 80+ Bronze (or even gold but more expensive), 550-650W will suffice.
Case: which ever you like, make sure it has solid cooling (good air flow)

Intel is still better in Single Core performance but more expensive. I would go with Ryzen
Get one of the newer i3 K models (i3 -7350k -8350k -9350k) the 9th is pretty new so they sell it with quite a mark up right now so you should either wait to get the newest on at a goodish price or get an older model.
The i3-8350k is basically on the same level as the ryzen 5 2600 in multithreaded games so you get an idea on how much more powerful it is per core,plus another ~25% overclocking headroom.
The i3 is far behind in content creation,video and so on but from what you said you don't mind that very much.
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
MBO: any B450 (I would suggest Asus, Msi, Gigabyte)
RAM: 8gb at least 3000Mhz (I would suggest 2x8gb though, prices of RAM have fallen significantly)
SSD: If you can afford it 500GB M.2 NVMe, if not classical SATA3 SSD are cheaper and not much slower)
HDD: If you need it, just don't buy WD blue, they are very slow.
GPU: RTX 2060 would be very good with that CPU, GTX 1660Ti is a bit chepaer though. Depends on the monitor (resoulution and refresh rate).
PSU: 80+ Bronze (or even gold but more expensive), 550-650W will suffice.
Case: which ever you like, make sure it has solid cooling (good air flow)

Intel is still better in Single Core performance but more expensive. I would go with Ryzen

Yea but since I prefer the single core performance overall I think I will stick with i3-9350KF it has like 40-45% faster single core than the ryzen 5 2600 thanks for replying though
Get one of the newer i3 K models (i3 -7350k -8350k -9350k) the 9th is pretty new so they sell it with quite a mark up right now so you should either wait to get the newest on at a goodish price or get an older model.
The i3-8350k is basically on the same level as the ryzen 5 2600 in multithreaded games so you get an idea on how much more powerful it is per core,plus another ~25% overclocking headroom.
The i3 is far behind in content creation,video and so on but from what you said you don't mind that very much.

Great I checked the i3 9350kf out and it feels like it covers my demands , thanks for the reply
If you can wait a bit for the Rzyen 3 CPU’s to arrive you could get one of them with an up to date motherboard. At least this was you can upgrade CPU in the future without necessarily upgrading your motherboard, unlike intel.
Yea but since I prefer the single core performance overall I think I will stick with i3-9350KF it has like 40-45% faster single core than the ryzen 5 2600
Those numbers seem pretty unlikely, unless we're talking about some particular application that's optimized for Intel CPUs. Or maybe a heavily overclocked 9350KF versus a stock-clocked Ryzen 2600, though even that seems like a stretch. And in games, graphics card performance will also be a limiting factor, reducing margins further. I would be surprised if a 9350KF managed to push much more than 10% higher frame rates in most games.

What sort of games are we talking about, and what resolution are you running them at?
Those numbers seem pretty unlikely, unless we're talking about some particular application that's optimized for Intel CPUs. Or maybe a heavily overclocked 9350KF versus a stock-clocked Ryzen 2600, though even that seems like a stretch. And in games, graphics card performance will also be a limiting factor, reducing margins further. I would be surprised if a 9350KF managed to push much more than 10% higher frame rates in most games.

What sort of games are we talking about, and what resolution are you running them at?

MMO's that are cpu intensive like 4story , it came out in 2009 graphics suck its just cpu intense and its made to run on 1 or 2 cores ( most likely just 1 ) I also know that its an old game and if its only made for 1-2 cores I will never get very good frames with newer hardware , I just want to get as much as I can cause I am sitting on really low numbers atm..When it 1st came out I had decent fps but over time it gets lower and lower making it unplayable at times.
Old games may only be optimized for one core, but the fact that they're old means they're probably not super demanding so you don't need uber single core speeds to get good performance.

Yeah it is optimised for 1 core thats why I am searching for top singe core performance. I want good performance cause its a mmo game which has to load many characters on one place at the same time , thats why my frames are kinda low with my current setup. If I get +20 fps out of a new cpu I would be really happy. I am currently at 10-15fps at those scenarios , I will be happy with 30-40fps.
If you can wait a bit for the Rzyen 3 CPU’s to arrive you could get one of them with an up to date motherboard. At least this was you can upgrade CPU in the future without necessarily upgrading your motherboard, unlike intel.

I am not an intel or amd fanboy but I heard that 3rd gen ryzen wont support 300 series motherboards 😛
So that argument is invalid? No ?
When it 1st came out I had decent fps but over time it gets lower and lower making it unplayable at times.
Unless the game had patches that significantly increased CPU usage, it shouldn't mysteriously slow down over time. That is more something I would associate with OS bloat over time. Another cause of "unexplained" slowdown is thermal paste (or the plastic shroud and retaining nylon pins on stock Intel HSF) going bad, leading to the CPU going into thermal throttling, may want to check CPU core temperatures before writing the 2400 off. My i5-3470 which isn't a whole lot faster than your 2400 is still perfectly fine in WoW, steady 60fps vsync.