What's the best site for estimating the current market price of a prebuild that was ordered off Newegg?
It's been some years since I've looked at this kind of stuff (as you can probably tell from the timestamps of my profile) and I'm needing to get the current market price of a 1year, 7month used prebuild that I've been using on a daily basis (estimated 3000 hours used), so I can purchase it from the company I'm working for.
Also, if any of you can provide your own estimations then that'd be great too!! It's in 100% working condition but in recent months has been freezing once in a blue moon for a few seconds when opening certain applications (but I'm sure that can be fixed with a factory reset of sorts).
Thanks in advance!
It's been some years since I've looked at this kind of stuff (as you can probably tell from the timestamps of my profile) and I'm needing to get the current market price of a 1year, 7month used prebuild that I've been using on a daily basis (estimated 3000 hours used), so I can purchase it from the company I'm working for.
Also, if any of you can provide your own estimations then that'd be great too!! It's in 100% working condition but in recent months has been freezing once in a blue moon for a few seconds when opening certain applications (but I'm sure that can be fixed with a factory reset of sorts).
Thanks in advance!