Question Best Software To Check If Hard Drive Is Failing


Jun 22, 2021
What is an easy to use and reliable software to run that will tell you if your drive is failing? I have a laptop that has two internal drives, and I'd like to check if one or both are failing.

No signs that they are, but they are older drives that have been worked to death.
What is an easy to use and reliable software to run that will tell you if your drive is failing? I have a laptop that has two internal drives, and I'd like to check if one or both are failing.

No signs that they are, but they are older drives that have been worked to death.

BUT......if you wait for software to tell you a drive is going bad, you've waited too long.
Storage devices can sometimes die quite suddenly.
A good backup routine is your friend.
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What is the brand of the drives?
Most makers will have a hardware diagnostic app that knows about their hardware.
Seagate has seatools, WD has data lifeguard.

No idea....
I was hoping that I could boot the computer and download a tool to scan the drives, but it seems that I can boot the computer, I can log into windows and that is the extent of anything that happens. It doesn't recognize the mouse or keyboard clicks etc so I'm thinking I'm going to have to boot to like a USB Linux Live or something to check the drives.
chkdsk checks and fixes logical inconsistencies in the file system.

To check the mechanical status, run the hardware app like seatools or data lifeguard.
To identify the drive, look in windows device manager.
If windows is not available, I think you can download a stand alone bootable version.
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