Best Thermal Paste?

For one time use I would say Artic Silver 5 but takes about 200 heating cycles to cure. Thats about 1~1.5 months where its not as effective. Artic MX-4 is great right off the bat but depending on how hot your CPU gets it may need reapplied about once every several years. It has a durability of 8 years but think that is normal use temps wise. Cant go wrong with either. Given you can keep a max 4.1Ghz Ryzen cool with a Noctua U12S I would say your going to be running cool.
For one time use I would say Artic Silver 5 but takes about 200 heating cycles to cure. Thats about 1~1.5 months where its not as effective. Artic MX-4 is great right off the bat but depending on how hot your CPU gets it may need reapplied about once every several years. It has a durability of 8 years but think that is normal use temps wise. Cant go wrong with either. Given you can keep a max 4.1Ghz Ryzen cool with a Noctua U12S I would say your going to be running cool.
I personally use Gelid GC-Extreme and have the 1800X and the H115i. On Itle I am around 80 Degree F and around 100ish F at max with the cooler on Quiet. My room normally is between 70 and 80 Deg F

I do NOT use the spacula thingy it comes with.. just put a little pea sided amount (smaller then a pea though) in the middle and have GREAT results.

I should say I used to use Artic Silver 5 but it was annoying that I had to reapply it around once a year (or two) or it would start getting hotter and hotter and with the other stuff I have not had to at all. Plus keeps things MUCH cooler then AS5.. Never tried MX-4 stuff. I know with past experence with AS5 you do have to wait like a month before it gets better for temps BUT with the GC-Extreme I dont have to worrie about overheating things for the first month lol.!!