I was wanting to get a new monitor/tv for my ps3 and pc. I have a budget Of 140 Us dollars max. Desired specs: 1920x1080, basically 1080p, 20-24 inch, LED, preferably 5ms buffer time.
I was going to buy this one, but ended up getting an AOC e2243Fwk from Best Buy for $120 the other day. This Asus monitor has vga, dvi, and hdmi so it'll work with your pc and ps3. It also has a 5ms response time. Also, it's just under $140.
Kinda mad because I typed out a long paragraph responding to you and it just disappeared while I was typing it! 🙁
To be honest, I don't know of too many monitors for much cheaper than $140 that fall into your criteria. I'd suggest going to a couple of stores in your area (Best Buy, Microcenter, Circuit City, etc.) and try to find one.
I love my AOC moniter its the 23.5'' 1920x1080 version. I love it for gaming, no tearing or ghosting. Its just like a GTG moniter. It has a DCR which fixes contrast and color temps during each game or application. Also this moniter turns off certain pixel of the high end samsaung panel, which makes it ideal for dark gaming scenarios if you like realistic gaming. Ivehad this moniter for over a year and no dead pixels or any other problems. It is very big, I mean SUPER big but as slim as an iPhone 4. It also hides wires for you and has an advanced menu.
I have looked at Best Buy, Microcenter and Circuit City closed in my area a long time ago. Also, 1366x720 is still good for gaming right? I mean, now that I think about it, I don't really need 108i0p. But then again, I want my build to last long, and 1080p would be better for that. Another thing TV or Monitor?
I have looked at Best Buy, Microcenter and Circuit City closed in my area a long time ago. Also, 1366x720 is still good for gaming right? I mean, now that I think about it, I don't really need 108i0p. But then again, I want my build to last long, and 1080p would be better for that. Another thing TV or Monitor?
This one is cheap : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824260049
Sorry, I didn't mention this, I wanted FULL LED. I don't want LCD with LED backlight 😛. sorry if I'm being too picky. I know very little a out displays.
it's led backlit as all the other monitors, it meets all your requirements, i think you should take it, it's 40% off 48 hour special, ends 1/16, in newegg.
I think you should get informed : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LED-backlit_LCD_display
Sorry, I didn't mention this, I wanted FULL LED. I don't want LCD with LED backlight 😛. sorry if I'm being too picky. I know very little a out displays.