Best way to configure SSD and Hardrive


Jan 10, 2012
New PC with 128G SSD and 1T Hardrive. What is the best way to configure the OS, Programs, and Data on the two drives to conserve space on the SSD?
On the SSD, keep your OS, Browser, Office, Driver, Media Players... and programs you want to benefit with a faster startup... and then install all your games and regular programs on the other drive. It's best to create a folder and call it something like Game Installs or Program Files (if you want to use that name).

Also, contrary to what some others might say... I find it works great of you simply relocate the following folders: Downloads, Music, Videos, Picture, Saved Games to another drive. It's great because if your OS drive crashes or you need to reinstall... you don't have to worry about saving or losing your data.