Best way to shop online?


May 25, 2003
What is the best way to shop online when building a system? Is it best to go with one online retailer for all the pieces, or to find the BEST price for EACH piece and buy from several (eg. the lowest that comes up on pricegrabber?)

What do you all think?
there's a lot of factors that go into this. value-wise, the better choice is to find the best price for each piece and buy from seperate stores. Problem with that is, you'll first have to install it yourself/pay for installation instead of the usual they install it for free that comes from buying all the parts from them. If you're smart enough to install it yourself, you usually forgo any normal instore warranty because the store would prolly blame a problem you get on the other stores to save time.


for better service = one retailer
better price = diff retailers
Guys, dont forget local shops! (not best buy local, but family shops)

They can match and sometimes beat newegg pricing.
They will haggle. Most of the time they will come down to near Newegg prices (maybe %10 more), but you get it now, local, and with a local person to deal with as far as returns / exchanges go.
I generally buy everything from newegg because seldom are you going to save more than a couple dollars shopping around. Buying at one place means I don't have to deal with more than one site if there is a problem with the order and don't have to try and remember where I bought stuff. I big on keeping my life simple 😀