BF3 Performance / System Lag / Stuttering

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Oct 30, 2011
Hey guys, new to the forum and wanted to share up my issues.

So I'm getting some weird issues. Here is my pc specs.

AMD Phenom II x4 965 Black Edition 3.4ghz
16 Gigs DDR3 G Skill SDRAM
EVGA GTX 570 (latest drivers 285.62)
OCZ Solid 3 SSD 120gig (have my os installed on this and currently bf3) (incorrectly labled it agility earlier)
Sound Blaster XFI Fatality (older one with front panel for pc with inputs on it)
(Onboard sound controller has been disabled)

Thermaltake TR2 RX 750 Bronze

Now I can get anywhere from 60-85fps constant on servers but every so often I get major spikes. First I thought it was lag until i kept up task manager and my fps displayed in bf3 and saw that the CPU was spiking like mad and as a result the frame rate dropped drastically.

There is no way my system should be dropping like this. Anyone else having these issues? I was playing on ultra (everything) ran fine but with these issues. So I dropped down to full on medium and it still had it. So I don't think it's the game but I could be mistaken.

Any clues?

Also note it is doing this on low settings across the board too.

FPS will drop from 80-12 in seconds then back up

This is beyond frustrating. Never had these issues.


Any ideas? Maybe a memory leak? Bad CPU management in BF3 code?

Just get's bad when flying and people getting mad because I fly right into a tree or some other obstacle that normally I would have avoided.



thats a little extreme but the higher anti aliasing is the more work the gpu has to do. it looks like inbetwen 0 and 4 aa you have a tipping point of gpu being the bottleneck and the cpu.


Feb 20, 2012

what program was used to draw the ingame graphs and info


Mar 15, 2012
what program was used to draw the ingame graphs and info

The command is: render.perfoverlayVisible 1 and render.perfoverlayenable 1

I had the same issue on my GTX 550 Ti and Q9300 with 4GB RAM. But now everything is running as it should.
I'm using latest version 296.10 and simple reset to factory defaults on nvidia control panel solved the problem. Now I have smooth frame rate around 40-50 fps on high settings. Good luck !


Jun 9, 2007
I tried all the fixes as well. Well except getting a 3rd 6970 from my crossfire. I fixed the micro shuttering by changing my power managment in windows and disabling it in the bios c1 ect. I have not seen this posted anywhere else. So it might help you all out.

Try this
start button

type power management

then go to Change Power Saving Settings
Then go to High Performance Change your management plan if needed

Then go to Change Plan Settings

Change Advanced power settings

Click on the + Processor Power Management

Set minimum power state to 100%

Fixed random crashes with BF3, FPS drops etc


Edit I think the windows default was 5%. I have tried this on 3 systems that I own and 2 of my buddies worked in all 5 cases. System CPU specs on my rigs.

i7 920 with HT enabled. ATI 4870 crossfire
amd phenom ii Nivida 260 Sli
i7 3930k Ht enabled. ATI 6970 Crossfire
i found turning hyper threading off helps some on my i7 920. but allso limiting the upper limit of the fps to 60 did a lot more to smooth out the gameplay as the cpu is less likely to hit 100% and choke...

create a user.cfg file and add the following and place it in the install folder where you put bf3:

GameTime.MaxVariableFps 61.000000
render.drawfps 0
Render.DrawScreenInfo 0
RenderDevice.Dx11Enable 0
RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 1
render.perfoverlayvisible 0
UI.DrawEnable 1
WorldRender.DxDeferredCsPathEnable 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 1024

if it has a 0 after it, its dissabled, to enable it make it a 1
if you have a dx10 disabling dx11render may give a little performance increase but on a dx11 card it should give a big 5-10 fps increase.
if the above doesnt work for you then just delete it...
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