Question BFV: DX12 and FFR causing heavy input lag (Can't move mouse)

May 13, 2019
DX12 and Future Frame Rendering almost double my fps from 60 to 100-120 which is fantastic but when I have them turned on my mouse is stuttering heavily and is basically locked in the centre of my screen and I can't move at all. Also the mouse symbol will flash up occasionally. Turning on FFR makes my FPS better but makes this much worse. Turing off DX12 and FFR fixes this completely but then drops my fps to 40-60 and is unplayable.
This never used to happen, I only just recently installed BFV again... Also the latest Nvidia GPU driver makes my mouse stutter on my desktop and even worse ingame, even with DX12 and FFR turned off.. idk if this is related but I've had to roll it back to fix this.


GPU: GTX 970
CPU: i5 4960k
Chair: Gaming


Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS.

PSU especially.

Use Task Manager, Resource Monitor, and Performance Manager to observe system performance.

Both with and without DX12 and FFR on and off.

The objective is to identify the bottleneck that causes the FPS drops and mouse stuttering.

Could be a combination of hardware (e.g., low RAM) and software (e.g., RAM intensive).