Big glitches with 9700pro


Aug 16, 2003
Hey guys. I just installed my new MSI Neo-2 i865 motherboard with a P4 2.4C and a Radeon 9700 pro, and I've been having some pretty massive graphical glitches/artifacts in direct3d mode with the card. (I had a few in 2d mode as well, but I turned down the Windows hardware acceleration slider one notch and everything looks good now.)


I've already flashed the BIOS, with no changes in these glitches. I'm pretty sure it's not (entirely) the drivers, as the XP splash screen at startup is messed up, too. Anyone have any ideas?
Fresh windows install?
(ATI cards can be very touchy with existing Nvidia card installed previously)

Fastwrites off and sideband addressing off?

Checked the overclock speed, make sure its running at stock speeds.

Install the latest catylist drivers, or better yet the omega ones. <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

<b>My Car comes with Hyper Threading enabled:
1970 General Motors Holden HT Kingswood Wagon :smile:
Mr no integrity coward.</b>
Yes, fresh WinXP install, latest Catalysts, and Fastwrite is off.

I'm not sure where to configure sideband addressing.

Also, the card keeps flipping back to 4x AGP, regardless of how many times I set it to 8x.
fastwrites u can disable In the bios.
sideband addressing you usally need some third party program or omega drivers to disable it.

<b>My Car comes with Hyper Threading enabled:
1970 General Motors Holden HT Kingswood Wagon :smile:
Mr no integrity coward.</b>
i have an ASUS mobo, and a 1006 build BIOS and the sideband addressing support can be disabled there.

<b><font color=red>
"Remain at stock speed"</b> - The Overclocker.
</font color=red>
Looks borked to me.

I'd try it in another machine. If it still doesn't work, RMA it to the manufacturer.

Radeon 9500 (modded to PRO w/8 pixel pipelines)
AMD AthlonXP 2000+
3dMark03: 3529