Question BIOS Update issues SOLVED

King Friday

Jan 5, 2024
I have a B650 Aorus Elite AX. Rev. 1.2
I downloaded the latest BIOS update dated 12/2024
I extracted it to a USB drive formatted FAT 32.
Restarted, entered BIOS and tried Q-Flash.
It could not read the file. I've tried changing the extension to .bin and that didn't work
I extracted the file just as is from Gigabyte and still the same result.
I was hoping someone had a suggestion.

I'm unable to get WIFI working and I do have the Network Stack Enabled in the BIOS.
I also have the Antenna connected.

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Sort of a stretch but are you putting that drive into a USB 2 or USB 3 slot?

IDK if it will matter, but worth checking as it can in other situations where drivers haven't fully loaded, such as install.

Also, just for good measure, turn off XMP and any OC you might have going beforehand.
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If your board is so outfitted, try the plain old USB 2 slot on the back there next to the legacy PS2 mouse connection (lol).

edit- meant as a joke, I see that board doesn't have PS2 connector.
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There's a specific USB port on the rear just for BIOS Flash. I'm not sure the drive will get recognized if not in there but I'll try.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I'll post results.
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My BIOS locked up with that attempt.
I rebooted with USB drive in the dedicated Q-Flash port and it said it "cannot read" the file.
The file was in .FB3g format.
Same result when in .bin format.
My BIOS locked up with that attempt.
I rebooted with USB drive in the dedicated Q-Flash port and it said it "cannot read" the file.
The file was in .FB3g format.
Same result when in .bin format.

Admittedly, I haven't gone to read specific instruction set for your mobo, but what you are and have done seems in line with what I am familiar with regarding the process. Perhaps shoot an email over to support for the mobo to ask?

Is there a specific reason you need this BIOS update? Is there a bridge BIOS between your current version? Is current version newer?
Well, no there is no specific reason. But I can't get my WIFI working and updating everything seems like a good place to start.
Current BIOS is dated 8/2024. Latest is dated 12/2024.
Did you try to rename the file gigabyte.bin?

Did you try another flash drive?

Does it start reading it and crashes or does it say it can't read from the very beginning?

Do you extract it directly to the flash drive? (I always extract to my main drive and copy paste to my flash drive).

If the BIOS can see the file but can't read from the start, it really looks like a problem with either the file or the flash drive.
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Well, no there is no specific reason. But I can't get my WIFI working and updating everything seems like a good place to start.
Current BIOS is dated 8/2024. Latest is dated 12/2024.
A BIOS update, while not a bad idea in itself, is unlikely to get your WiFi working. Reinstall the correct drivers?
I had to manually download and install both Asus WiFi and Bluetooth drivers otherwise they were not showing up in Windows even though they were both enabled in the BIOS.
That has to be done for every device, that doesn't have drivers integrated into windows installation.
Every discrete audio, wifi, graphics card and almost every discrete lan card.
Some integrated audio, graphics, lan cards may have drivers integrated already. But that's more of exception than rule.

Once you have lan drivers installed and connected to internet, some remaining drivers can be gradually obtained by windows update in background (without you even noticing).
Obviously this doesn't work, if you're not connected to internet.
One must rename the BIOS file, "GIGABYTE.bin" The extension must be in lower case.
Insert the USB drive, formatted FAT32 with that file on it in the dedicated BIOS USB 3.2 port (it's red)
Restart and once in your BIOS on the lower right is the Q-Flash button.
Click that and you follow the prompts.
This applies to the Gigabyte B650 Aorus Elite AX.