Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (
More info?)
To open the BIOS, HP uses the following key, press F1 before
Windows loads, as soon as the computer is turned on. Your
HP manual should give the proper key. If a password has
been set, you can clear the password by removing the BIOS
battery until the CMOS is cleared. Some mobo have a jumper
to clear the password.
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HP Pavilion Desktop PCs - Updating the BIOS for
Microsoft(R) Windows XP Computers
This document includes detailed procedures
for checking, downloading, and updating the BIOS for HP
Pavilion PCs that shipped with Microsoft(R) Windows XP.
a.. For HP Pavilion computers with
Windows 98, go to Updating the BIOS for Windows 98 Computers
a.. For HP Pavilion computers with
Windows Me, go to Updating the BIOS for Windows Me Computers
Before you begin
The following tools and information are
needed to perform the steps in this document.
a.. Model number of the HP Pavilion PC
(located on the front panel)
a.. One blank floppy disk
a.. Pencil and paper
a.. Print out of this document
Step 1: Find the BIOS version on the HP
To check the current BIOS version on the
computer, follow the steps below:
1.. Click Start, then ShutDown.
2.. Select Restart, and then click OK.
3.. When the blue Hewlett-Packard screen
appears, press F1to enter the BIOS Setup.
4.. The BIOS revision is listed on the
Main menu. Make note of the current BIOS version; you will
need this information to determine if a newer revision is
5.. To exit the BIOS setup, press F10,
select Yes, and then press Enter.
Step 2: Create a Windows XP start up disk
1.. Insert a blank floppy disk into the
floppy drive.
2.. Click Start, then My Computer.
3.. Right-click the 3.5 floppy drive

, and select Format.
4.. Put a checkmark into Create MS DOS
disk, and then click OK.
5.. When complete click Close.
Step 3: Check the HP Pavilion product page
for BIOS updates
1.. Go to the Drivers and Download page,
and enter the model of the HP Pavilion PC (for example,
Pavilion 9690).
2.. If a BIOS update is available, the
update will be listed on this page (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Example of the BIOS update
3.. If you do not see a BIOS update,
stop here; the HP Pavilion model does not require a BIOS
update at this time.
4.. If you do see a BIOS update, proceed
to the next step to download and install the BIOS update.
Step 4: Download the BIOS update
1.. Click the BIOS update link, and then
click the BIOS update file.
2.. Write down the filename. For
example, the filename will look like xxx.exe (the Xs
represent alpha or numeric characters). After noting the
filename, select Download Now.
3.. When the download is complete,
locate the downloaded file. If you do not know where the
file was downloaded to, see the instructions below to locate
the file.
1.. Click Start, Search, then All
Files and Folders.
2.. Type the filename, noted in Step
2, in the All or part of the file name field.
3.. Set the Look in field to Local
Hard Drive, and then click Search Now.
4.. The file will appear in the Search
Results window.
4.. Double-click the BIOS update file.
5.. When the BIOS update window appears,
click OK.
6.. When the extractor window appears,
click Unzip.
7.. Close all open windows and proceed
to the next step.
Step 5: Install the BIOS update
1.. Leave the newly created boot disk in
the floppy drive.
2.. Restart the computer.
3.. Choose minimal boot and press Enter.
4.. At the A:> prompt, type: biosupdt
5.. Press Enter.
6.. Once the installation is finished,
remove the boot disk and restart the PC.
7.. When you see the blue HP Invent
screen, immediately press the F1 key.
8.. Press F5 to set up defaults. When
the Setup Confirmation window, appears, press Enter.
9.. Press F10 to save and exit. When the
"Setup Confirmation" window, appears, press Enter.
10.. The BIOS update process is
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"NoNoBadDog!" <> wrote in message
| You do not have to "login" to BIOS, unless someone has set
a BIOS password
| (which is not the default action). If someone has set a
password, and you
| do not know that password, your options are limited.
| Bobby
| "Ron McGraw" <> wrote in message
| news:u34iUzy3EHA.2624@TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl...
| >I have an HP 6636 Pavilion and unable to login in to the
| >
| > Can anynone help?
| >
| >
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