BioWare Employees Write Reviews; Gets Caught

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i would like to read this article saved for another day. Please show some light on what can only be showed to us through some great investigative journalism!
thanks Parrish
They know they made a crappy dumbed down game and are trying very hard to put a positive spin on it.

Dragon Age Origins was an amazing game that was a throwback to classic in depth RPG gaming.

Dragon Age 2 is a console action game designed for the lower common denominator in gamers. It's a game for 12 year old casual gamers.
It will be ok BioWare, I'm upset at the cesspool of user reviews giving the lowest rating possible. I have your back giving and giving you the max rating at different sites to at least try to make the average score more realistic.

Yes, I am a BioWare Fanboi.
Dragon Age 2 is the best game ever made, period. If you don't own it, you'll have missed out on what millions of others have enjoyed.

EA, please make the check payable to...
Dragon Age 2 is a console action game designed for the lower common denominator in gamers. It's a game for 12 year old casual gamers.[/citation]

... I would love to see a 12 year old try Dragon Age 2 on Nightmare. Origins is a cakewalk in comparrison and would be considered "designed for the lower common denominator" if judging tactics and difficulty to Dragon Age 2.
You fanboys amaze me. What could you possibly gain by defending this game? Every time someone posts something negative about this game, there are a group of Bioware fanbous that swoop in and claim the person's opinions are wrong and that the game is sheer perfection.

What could you possibly gain from this other than more shallow unfinished games released?

Fanboism does nothing by stagnate game development. The user reviews are in, and this game is bad. No matter how much damage control you do, it won't change that. Let the hate flow and we'll all be rewarded with better games.
Ah yeah. Dragon Age 2 is right up there with Call Of Duty: Black Ops. It has excellent graphics and game play is top notch. 5 out of 5 middle fingers

-Game Shister magazine

LOL, who would have ever though that there were crooked people in the game industry. I though they were all Saints.
They turned it into an anime similar to Final Fantasy. It seems that everybody thinks that unrealistic weapons and armor, and anime-looking characters are cool. I hate non-japanese games turning into animes. Heroes of Might and Magic 5+ is another example.
What a joke of an article, I just looked at dragon age II reviews for PC and guess what...there are like 900+ reviews. These reviews undoubtedly were in the user section, so even if they were a perfect 10, then they could have made the score go up by what...less than a half of a percent. I guess we are just really bored to worry WTF these 2 were up to, heck we should be worried about all the pocket padding going on in Washington and not some lame reviews. Oh BTW, it would be so awesome to find out that Gatofiasco worked for a competitor to EA.
[citation][nom]Sabiancym[/nom]They know they made a crappy dumbed down game and are trying very hard to put a positive spin on it.Dragon Age Origins was an amazing game that was a throwback to classic in depth RPG gaming.Dragon Age 2 is a console action game designed for the lower common denominator in gamers. It's a game for 12 year old casual gamers.[/citation]

Unlike and Doom game, I would never give this game to a 12 years old. Have you seen the ammount of sexualy explicit dialogues? Not to mention every companion is by default bisexual, and some of them (eg Anders) actively try to have relations with male champions.

Also, Bioware has banned accounts that complained about the game on official forums. People who paid and complained now can't play.

Completely lost my respect... But what do they care, they're getting their money, right?
"That's how it works in the Oscars, that's how it works in the Grammy's and why I'm betting that Barack Obama voted for himself in the last election."

That is a 100% true statement. If you made a product, why in the world wouldn't you do everything in your power to promote it as best as possible? It would be dumb to do otherwise.
If you give user based reviews credit without understanding who they are or how the reviewers tastes are compared to your own then you probably deserve the garbage you end up with. Not everyone's opinion on the internet is a valid one.

Bioware was stupid and got caught, but do you really think they're the only ones doing this? It's not even as if they're "lying" about it. EA is right, they made the game, it goes without saying that they'd have positive things to say. It's the fault of any consumer who bases any purchases off a random stranger's opinion on the internet. If I tell you there's a pot of gold over the edge of a cliff, are you going to jump?
"That's how it works in the Oscars, that's how it works in the Grammy's and why I'm betting that Barack Obama voted for himself in the last election."

While this may be true, it's a bit of a different case here. How President Obama voted in the process of his election had no influence on how others chose to cast their votes. The voting system is anonymous, and even after the results of the votes are out, it's too late for anyone to make any changes.

A developer posing as a non-biased consumer and writing glowing reviews for their own product, however, is an act of deception intended to benefit themselves at the cost hindering their customers' ability to make informed decisions. The fact that the developers voices may be overwhelmed by countless real consumers doesn't change the nature of their act.

What I'm curious about, however, is what sort of investigation can yield someone's real name based on an anonymous user name that has never been used before by the developer in question. Short of getting a subpoena for the user's real information from his or her ISP, I can't figure it out.
There you go EA is evil they prob put the guy on the spot to do this or get fired EA= the devil.
Go ahead ban my DA2 account oh wait i didn't buy it guess ill just buy something else not put out by EA.
I think this is the reason that we all read tech news sites.
Yeah we could get our information from forums and the products websites but we want someone unbiased.

What really disturbs me is when reviewers start to get influenced. Like if Tom's had caved when nVidia encouraged them to use the Hawx2 demo in their testing. I would have stopped reading here.
reading the same breaking story on kotaku further confirms my belief that they are becoming industry shills. I wish it weren't the case, but I just can't stand their site anymore.
I must be that strange guy in the middle of the spectrum, who loved both Dragon Age: Origins AND Dragon Age 2. As an avid RPG guy, I love all the different kinds RPGs, from the traditional CRPG, to hack n'slash, all the way even to JRPGs! So while I loved Origins, I find Dragon Age 2 quite good (very different in some respects, but good none the less). I actually followed the game through its production, and I knew that it would not be the same as origins exactly, like they were 'Mass Effecting' it or something, which I did not think was such a great idea. For example: the new dialoge wheel is VERY lacking, and makes whole conversations short, rather than being the long, sometimes lengthy, yet more immersive conversations you could have in Origins. Also not really being able to 'armor' your companions up was really a dumb, totally unexpected movie on Bioware's part. However, I love the new combat system in the game, its fast and exciting. But, I can see why Origins fans might get ticked at the new combat system, they really took away the whole strategic element that is so very much the staple of classic CRPGs. While I like the new actioned up take on Dragon Age, it seems to be lacking some things that made the original so great. So DA2 is really a step forward in some ways, but a definite step back in others. I think DA3 will probably be somewhere in between of DAO and DA2 gameplay wise. Unless its a big hit, then expect more of the same. Or, if it does badly, the DA3 will be the true sequel that so many avid DAO fans had hoped for.
Also, I diasgree with calling DA2 'dumbed down', on the contrary, I think the developers were trying to streamline the game in order to get an even bigger audience, unfortunetly, it seems they did so at the expense of the original's fans, that was a bad mistake on their part. Also like Zeh mentioned, the whole bisexual thing feels really forced, not to mention distracting. Actually given that it's a MEDIEVAL fantasy, the whole libertine take on sexuality (that was on display in both DAO and 2) is quite ridiculous, and makes it seem even more out of place, and even more forced than, say, if it had taken place in the modern times. I was kind of hoping they would have dropped that in DA2. Unlike Fable, which played it up mostly for laughs, it really is not funny in DA to have one of your male companions hit on your male champion. Thanks, but no thanks Zevran, now your going in the back of the play line, right next to (ugh!) Morrigan (Morrigan disaproves -10)

I also think that game developers writing their own reviews is kinda cheap! But at the same time, I see why they may be tempted to do so, I mean did you look at some of the non press reviews of the game (like on for example)! They are terrible, and unfair! Look you can be upset about what bioware did to the game, but hey, its worth more than 1 star, even if you thought the game was not a true sequel to DAO. The really bad reviews are coming from angered DAO fans, who have a write to be angry, but I still think its cheap to give it SUCH bad reviews, it really is not a bad game at all. Kind of reminds me of the whole Arcania/Gothic fiasco. Actually, DA2 had been give high marks by the press, but not as high as Origins marks. If I were a prospective customer who saw DA2 getting an average 2 1/2 stars based off customer reviews (on say, like Amazon), I might think twice about getting it, I think thats what tempted Bioware to write some of their won reviews.

So I guess I see both sides of the argument. Still though, Bioware should not have done what it did, a press statement about the game and its angered fans would have been the better, and more honest thing to do.
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