I must be that strange guy in the middle of the spectrum, who loved both Dragon Age: Origins AND Dragon Age 2. As an avid RPG guy, I love all the different kinds RPGs, from the traditional CRPG, to hack n'slash, all the way even to JRPGs! So while I loved Origins, I find Dragon Age 2 quite good (very different in some respects, but good none the less). I actually followed the game through its production, and I knew that it would not be the same as origins exactly, like they were 'Mass Effecting' it or something, which I did not think was such a great idea. For example: the new dialoge wheel is VERY lacking, and makes whole conversations short, rather than being the long, sometimes lengthy, yet more immersive conversations you could have in Origins. Also not really being able to 'armor' your companions up was really a dumb, totally unexpected movie on Bioware's part. However, I love the new combat system in the game, its fast and exciting. But, I can see why Origins fans might get ticked at the new combat system, they really took away the whole strategic element that is so very much the staple of classic CRPGs. While I like the new actioned up take on Dragon Age, it seems to be lacking some things that made the original so great. So DA2 is really a step forward in some ways, but a definite step back in others. I think DA3 will probably be somewhere in between of DAO and DA2 gameplay wise. Unless its a big hit, then expect more of the same. Or, if it does badly, the DA3 will be the true sequel that so many avid DAO fans had hoped for.
Also, I diasgree with calling DA2 'dumbed down', on the contrary, I think the developers were trying to streamline the game in order to get an even bigger audience, unfortunetly, it seems they did so at the expense of the original's fans, that was a bad mistake on their part. Also like Zeh mentioned, the whole bisexual thing feels really forced, not to mention distracting. Actually given that it's a MEDIEVAL fantasy, the whole libertine take on sexuality (that was on display in both DAO and 2) is quite ridiculous, and makes it seem even more out of place, and even more forced than, say, if it had taken place in the modern times. I was kind of hoping they would have dropped that in DA2. Unlike Fable, which played it up mostly for laughs, it really is not funny in DA to have one of your male companions hit on your male champion. Thanks, but no thanks Zevran, now your going in the back of the play line, right next to (ugh!) Morrigan (Morrigan disaproves -10)
I also think that game developers writing their own reviews is kinda cheap! But at the same time, I see why they may be tempted to do so, I mean did you look at some of the non press reviews of the game (like on Amazon.com for example)! They are terrible, and unfair! Look you can be upset about what bioware did to the game, but hey, its worth more than 1 star, even if you thought the game was not a true sequel to DAO. The really bad reviews are coming from angered DAO fans, who have a write to be angry, but I still think its cheap to give it SUCH bad reviews, it really is not a bad game at all. Kind of reminds me of the whole Arcania/Gothic fiasco. Actually, DA2 had been give high marks by the press, but not as high as Origins marks. If I were a prospective customer who saw DA2 getting an average 2 1/2 stars based off customer reviews (on say, like Amazon), I might think twice about getting it, I think thats what tempted Bioware to write some of their won reviews.
So I guess I see both sides of the argument. Still though, Bioware should not have done what it did, a press statement about the game and its angered fans would have been the better, and more honest thing to do.