John Bauer :
jerm1027 :
John Bauer :
C'mon Tom's, you can't figure out a way to block spammers?
Because this site really doesn't have enough spam already... I hope in includes a ban on second-hand spammers (people who quote spam)
And what about people quoting people who quoted spammers?
what about people who quote people who quoted the people who quoted the spammers quoting them selves?
Unless Tom's blocked ALL new members and put them on probation, it is VERY hard to keep the spammers out. That or block entire blocks of IP addresses(something that would be easy to bypass).
It is not like this is the only forum to get hit with all this junk.
I can ensure you many mods try to stay on top of it and a system to auto flag spam is in place. It still needs a person to ensure it is spam and not just another poster linking a website to buy a product/download a program in an article or similar.