Question Bizarre recurring BSODs on prebuilt is driving me crazy.


May 26, 2021
Hello there, I have an HP omen 45L that I use for my work. The PC runs great except recently, occasionally when shutting down the computer when I’ve noticed the BSOD. Upon this, I started investigating the event viewer where I found quite a bit…

Fatal system errors, PCI Express Root Port. WHEA LOGGER Event ID 16.
Bugcheck dumps recorded. Event ID 1001.
(Both of these events, generate every single time the computer is turned on in accordance with the blue screen. However, the other bizarre part of this is even when these events are being generated 100% of the time every time, only about 30% of the time I actually see the blue screen upon shut down/restart.
Did a dump file analyzer which shows ntoskrnl.exe+4ffdfb and PSHED.dll+ 10c0 causing issues.

The weird thing is 1. PC runs great and 2. only sometimes I actually see the BSOD upon shutdown, but identical according hardware and dump events are generating every single shutdown regardless.

I’ve contacted HP about this because the computer is under warranty and they have told me that if a complete wipe and OS reinstall doesn’t fix it I will need to send it in for a few weeks which would be devastating to my work. I’m here as the last hope to see if anybody has any idea as to what’s causing this or could help shed some light on how I may be able to fix this . Do I truly need to wipe the computer or worse to it for a few weeks? Really really hope someone can help me.

HP had me run full system check from bios menu which returned as clean. Updated to latest bios per them as well.

INTEL Core I7 12700k, NVME SSD, Windows 11 Latest, RTX 4070




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INTEL Core I7 12700k, NVME SSD, Windows 11 Latest, RTX 4070
Open up Device Manager and see if anything is flagged with a yellow exclamation mark.

You might want to use the serial number for your prebuilt on HP's support site and see if you have any BIOS updates pending.


May 26, 2021
INTEL Core I7 12700k, NVME SSD, Windows 11 Latest, RTX 4070
Open up Device Manager and see if anything is flagged with a yellow exclamation mark.

You might want to use the serial number for your prebuilt on HP's support site and see if you have any BIOS updates pending.
Hello there Lutfij, thank you for the reply. Yes we updated the bios and nothing was solved… I don’t see anything flagged under device manager. Any other insight would be greatly appreciated.