Black Mesa

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Apr 30, 2012
Anyone checked this out yet? Think I'll give it a shot this weekend. It's gotta be worth a go to re-live some Half-Life in plushy graphics :D
I played it in dark room. I might add that all those years ago I either didn't understand the story at all, or I had nerves of steel. The game is god damn scary, especially when you go through dark pipes, and you clear zombies on the other side... And I don't even want to consider how Gordon feels!
Hi :)

Its NOT available on Steam , although it will go into your Steam list in Library once installed...

Get it from a link on

Its a 3.1 gb zip....

I am about half way through the game at the moment :)

Good graphics to go with a great game...

All the best Brett :)


Apr 30, 2012

Good point! I just meant that I'd be at the pub so would have to download it after and play this morning! As is happens I totally forgot to download it after the pub. haha shocker!
Why? Do you enjoy advertisements popping up everytime you alt tab? Do you like your games taking 30 secs longer to launch because steam has to update itself?

Cool :).


Just started playing it this afternoon. Haven't played HL1 since back when HL2 was new. I enjoyed HL2 so much back then, that I downloaded the old HL and played it about half way through. Then got tired of the old looking graphics and gave up, I guess. Black Mesa appears to be true to the original and muuuuch better graphically. Now maybe I'll be able to finish it... if I can get past some of the tougher puzzles.
I played it in dark room. I might add that all those years ago I either didn't understand the story at all, or I had nerves of steel. The game is god damn scary, especially when you go through dark pipes, and you clear zombies on the other side... And I don't even want to consider how Gordon feels!



It's amazing how games have changed since the 1990's. I miss the 'old school' shooters like HL. I guess today's generation prefers playing Tag with guns.

I never finished the original HL. I got stuck on the dexterity-required puzzle where Gordon has to jump from one spinning centrifuge to the next to get past the section. At least I think that was what was going on. My memory has faded a bit since I played it years ago.
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