Question Black screen (no signal) with an RX 5700 ?

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Sep 10, 2021
The GPU gives me black screen and a brrrr sound comes out of the speaker after somewhat half an hour of gaming or 1and a half hour of regular windows usage, i've tried turning of HDCP and also adjusting everything i found on the internet regarding software and nothing helps at all.

Another problem that is probably related is that the screen sometimes gets full of random colored pixels just like this:
Then i have to turn monitor to another output then back to hdmi and the gpu comes back to normal.
What chances is of the problem being on the GPU chip itself? What other components are most likely?

The computer is fine with another amd gpu so im am pretty sure it is the gpu, i also reinstalled windows and did everything possible to be sure it is the gpu.

More info: If i try to use one of those cables that one side is DisplaPort and another is HDMI the screen keeps blinking, and that is probably related.
Thanks if anyone can help me i appreciate.
Ok Guys here it Goes:
The particular GPU is an Asrock challenger sold by the brand name Envinda with another heatsink.
My PC specs are:
An Asus P9X79 with a xeon 2697v2
Ram is Gskill ripjaws 1866CL9
Power supply is a Corsair CX600
the CX series are some of their lowest quality units.
i wouldn't be surprised if it just cannot provide steady power for heavy usage.
I can't rule out the psu also because my other computer has a Gigabyte 550w bronze, so i won't even test on the other computer. But i really don't think it's the psu because of the particular symptoms, but if you are saying let's hope it's the psu and not the gpu since the gpu is more expensive.
That card is in fact a refurbished ASrock card, sold under the obscure name of Envinda.
In fact there were literally thousands of cards which were sold from Chinese market after the government banned the mining in China.
Of course they couldn't be sold as they were , so they were rebranded and refurbished by them even by changing the shroud (heatsink).
I suspect that you card have a hardware problem.
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I can't rule out the psu also because my other computer has a Gigabyte 550w bronze, so i won't even test on the other computer. But i really don't think it's the psu because of the particular symptoms, but if you are saying let's hope it's the psu and not the gpu since the gpu is more expensive.

A black screen is one of the most common signs of a failing or inadequate PSU. The one you're using is cheap group-regulated junk that hasn't been made in a decade; there's zero reason to be running a GPU on this PSU ever. The Gigabyte PSU may be even worse, especially if it's as old as the Corsair.
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As @DSzymborski said earlier, those PSU's are not reliable.
So in order to eliminate all doubts, take your card and test in in a friend's computer.
If it functions properly there, then we will take small steps at a time with your computer in order to identify the problem.
If it doesn't function there also, then we identified the problem.

PS: keep in mind that your cards need 185W if it is normal 5700 and 225w if you have a 5700 XT
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Thanks for the help guys.
I used to run an rtx2060super on this same computer without any problems its just a bit lower tdp. Do you guys think it can still be the power supply?
Well, yeah.
For sure picking a better PSU would improve your current that flows in your electronic devices.
Keep in mind that a low quality PSU will deliver sometimes less "juice" then recommended to your components.
It is possible to have huge fluctuations in the power that the PSU provides to your computer.
That means many fails for your computer parts.
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You know i decided to install the gpu in my other computer and it is running fine for more than two hours of heavy usage already.
Even the temperature was better i don't if it's just because the airflow on this computer is better but also the undervolt seemed to be giving better results into lowering the temperature. So i think i am gonna have to go for a better psu. Maybe this gpu is more demanding of good currents than the RTX2060S. Thanks guys, if the gpu comes back to give any problem i will post it here.
Ok around four hours of heavy usage and no problem on the GPU!

The voltages of the CX600W on HWmonitor is showing
While the Gigabyte is showing all much better and closer voltages, so it should be the psu, im gonna get a better one. This Corsair was never a good power supply i guess. Is Silverstone a good brand, better than Gigabyte?
This is my second computer so i will have to go for a cheap psu for now, then i may buy a good psu for my other computer in the future, but then yes i will try to get a Seasonic for it.
An important update(for the sake of anyone having a similar problem):

The tensions were very low on standby, whenever a power supply gets more demand it's regular that the tensions can fall even more so that is probably what was happening with using the gpu topgether with the corsair CX600. The gpu would go black screen faster when in heavier usage but would take more time in regular windows usage.
The permanet Black screen problem went away in the other computer though the other problem did not:

The screen sometimes would get full of random colored pixels(now in the other computer it just goes black) when turn off the screen and back on, colored pixels just like this:
Then i have to turn monitor to another output then back to hdmi and the gpu comes back to normal(turning the monitor off and back on also works).

Don't get confused it goes black but it always comes back to normal when changing output and then back to hdmi or turning the monitor off and on again, sometimes it takes more than twice switches to go back but it always comes back to normal.

That problem stayed but it is minor and the gpu can endure long stress tests like furmark without artifacts or any problems.
So the two problems were probably not related with each other, that was the confusing part that made me think it could not be the psu, but it was the psu.
i will have to go for a cheap psu for now, then i may buy a good psu for my other computer in the future
you have been lucky in the past to only experience some crashing while using a low quality unit.

there is always a good chance that using a lower tiered unit can lead to permanent damage to any or all connected components.

also, the manufacturers/distributors of these lower tiered units do not include any connected devices in their warranty coverage so you may be risking everything going with another garbage product.
I own several Seasonic's.
I can confirm that those are good quality products.
But my PSU's are all Gold.
The smallest is 550W the biggest is 1000w
All of them are in perfect shape even after so many hours of functioning 24/7
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