The system wide paragon leveling is something I suggested when it was initially introduced and they completely ignored. Now they are trying to use it as means to help sell their expansion back essentially along with the XP bonus it's outright pathetic. The Auction House which they touted as a big selling point of the game originally is now being "removed" because it was a disaster in large part due to boxers, botters, dupers, and flippers.PVP just never materialized you might as well say because game balance never did either at least at the point where I stopped playing it hadn't and I gave it way to much of a proper chance.The overall game play they also decided to dumb down in large part as well a few things needed adjustments, but other things like invulnerable mobs were legitimately fine challenges that just kept players on their toes.I wouldn't pay 5 cents for their expansion though I probably made them $40's on the AH playing the game that all just got reinvested into the game itself before I said to hell with it Blizzard Entertainment really doesn't give a rats ask what players thing. I honestly think they were behind the bots, spamming, and mysterious GEMS on RMAH being sold below the crafting material gold cost. I don't trust Blizzard Entertainment one inch they are worse than EA in my eyes and EA is shameful and despicable.