Hello I have recently got two bsod in 2 weeks and 3 bsod 5months ago so I will post the dmp files if you guys can help me resolve this.
the bsod that I got in july I think it was from riot vanguard but im not sure but I deleted but I need it if i want to play valorant so I can't really delete it. So i will just post every Bsod I got.
the two latest bsod I got was from waking from sleep if anyone can help me
Have you crashed since updating RST? I believe the dump results Gardenman showed last were from before the update?
if its not cause, you both have same problem. Your last dump is almost identical to his last crash. I don't normally see the same report results on 2 different machines (and yet its happened twice this week)
same actions: CPU looked for info in ram, didn't find it so it looked on the page file, actioned it and then crashed when it accessed ram next.
So its likely its following driver instructions as all of these steps below (see spoiler) which are in FILO order (First In, Last Out - the bottom actions were first in order of operation, the last ones were PC calling error) are exactly the same in your crash as they are his.
Page fault, This is a normal operation of windows. It happens when CPU has to access ram
Hardfault - This is a normal operation of windows. It happens when CPU has to access Page file
I won't explain it all (as I don't know it all) but all the ST_Store lines are in virtual memory
the bolded line is where I think it all started to fall apart
Drivers can bring a good PC to its knees. Its as simple as having a memory leak, taking memory from the system and not giving it back each time you finished but instead asking for more. Or if they old and are sending instructions that have been changed in the bios since their writing, or just being corrupt and telling CPU to look in the wrong locations in ram for information.
Another thing I noticed, your BIOS isn't reporting correctly,
its not telling the dump what BIOS you have. The same applies for the other guy.
so the question is, which one do you have now
search windows for System Information app
in the right hand column, next to BIOS Version/Date... what is it showing?
Have you crashed since updating RST? I believe the dump results Gardenman showed last were from before the update?
if its not cause, you both have same problem. Your last dump is almost identical to his last crash. I don't normally see the same report results on 2 different machines (and yet its happened twice this week)
same actions: CPU looked for info in ram, didn't find it so it looked on the page file, actioned it and then crashed when it accessed ram next.
So its likely its following driver instructions as all of these steps below (see spoiler) which are in FILO order (First In, Last Out - the bottom actions were first in order of operation, the last ones were PC calling error) are exactly the same in your crash as they are his.
Page fault, This is a normal operation of windows. It happens when CPU has to access ram
Hardfault - This is a normal operation of windows. It happens when CPU has to access Page file
I won't explain it all (as I don't know it all) but all the ST_Store lines are in virtual memory
the bolded line is where I think it all started to fall apart
Drivers can bring a good PC to its knees. Its as simple as having a memory leak, taking memory from the system and not giving it back each time you finished but instead asking for more. Or if they old and are sending instructions that have been changed in the bios since their writing, or just being corrupt and telling CPU to look in the wrong locations in ram for information.
Another thing I noticed, your BIOS isn't reporting correctly,
its not telling the dump what BIOS you have. The same applies for the other guy.
so the question is, which one do you have now
search windows for System Information app
in the right hand column, next to BIOS Version/Date... what is it showing?
well no BSOD since i installed SetupRST but I only get Bsod waking from sleep and no other ways and it takes usually 2-3 weeks of sleeping everyday before i get one.
so save work every day so you don't lose any. Its why shutting down once in a while is a good idea. It also flushes memory.
Problem with BSOD is often you don't know they fixed until they stop happening.
So only time your PC is off is during a windows update? You lucky you don't have a memory leak.
@nooblet0 might be waiting a while as well. He is waiting to see if this is answer as he has same driver version on his PC. Shame as if he updated to it, I would have a pool of 2 Acer trying same fix.
I haven't came back on this thread since april 4 and today I am back just to say its been 1 month and two weeks since my last bsod and I feel like my problem has been fixed. I am beyond happy thanks everyone
I haven't came back on this thread since april 4 and today I am back just to say its been 1 month and two weeks since my last bsod and I feel like my problem has been fixed. I am beyond happy thanks everyone
Cheers. I haven't had any issues since updating either; but as far as the issue being resolved is concerned, the jury's still out on that; considering the fact that I had a gap of something like 4 months between my first and second BSOD lol. Here's hoping for the best.
I have helped too many people with BSOD to ever be sure they gone. One month might be enough, depends how often they occured before. I have helped people where it only happened once a month so...
I do wish you luck, but I also hope this isn't a jinx