Hi all,
I'm having issues with blurry textures in almost every single game that I play; was wondering if this was possibly an hardware issue (maybe I have to replace my monitor).
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/851596176121000005/9B601AA408144DEBCDE682110AC6BFA0B0668093/ (observe the foliage near my left hand).
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/851596176121009287/1B31A975C911D40D9C65C7B2B570E1131D37B681/ (distinct line of pixels over the horizon of the water).
I've tried messing around with almost all of the settings within the NVidia control panel; but I just can't find a fix. :C
Evga Gtx 980 (Superclocked) 4gb
i7 4770k @3.5 ghz overclocked to 4ghz
16gb of Ram.
I'm having issues with blurry textures in almost every single game that I play; was wondering if this was possibly an hardware issue (maybe I have to replace my monitor).
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/851596176121000005/9B601AA408144DEBCDE682110AC6BFA0B0668093/ (observe the foliage near my left hand).
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/851596176121009287/1B31A975C911D40D9C65C7B2B570E1131D37B681/ (distinct line of pixels over the horizon of the water).
I've tried messing around with almost all of the settings within the NVidia control panel; but I just can't find a fix. :C
Evga Gtx 980 (Superclocked) 4gb
i7 4770k @3.5 ghz overclocked to 4ghz
16gb of Ram.