Boot Problems



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

Hi, my pc doesn't want to boot. I get the error "ntldr is missing". 'and
there's no floppy in the drive'. I tried to boot in safe mode and last known
good config... and still no success. I tried to use win xp setup disks and at
the last disk I get an error "STOP: c0000221 unknown hard error
\systemroot\system32\ntdll.dll". I also tried to boot from the windows XP CD
and no success. All settings in BIOS were correct.
I have researched this problem for days now and it seems I need to do a
repair and copy ntldr and from the cd. However I can't seem to
do a repair because of the ntdll.dll error with the boot disks. So Is there
any dos environment programs out there that will allow me to access the cd
rom drive and copy to an ntfs drive?

any assistance will be highly appreciated.

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

Can you get to the Safe Mode Options screen and can you get your XP disk to

If you have the XP disk, restart your computer in Safe Mode

Choose Start computer in Safe with command prompt

at the command prompt, type in the following,

"copy x:\i386\ntldr c:\" (where x is your cd-rom drive letter)(without the
inverted commas)
press enter

at the command prompt, type in:

"copy x:\i386\ c:\" (where x is your cd-rom drive letter)
press enter (without the inverted commas)

Take the cd rom out of the cd drive and restart your computer

"Brian Nicholas" wrote:

> Hi, my pc doesn't want to boot. I get the error "ntldr is missing". 'and
> there's no floppy in the drive'. I tried to boot in safe mode and last known
> good config... and still no success. I tried to use win xp setup disks and at
> the last disk I get an error "STOP: c0000221 unknown hard error
> \systemroot\system32\ntdll.dll". I also tried to boot from the windows XP CD
> and no success. All settings in BIOS were correct.
> I have researched this problem for days now and it seems I need to do a
> repair and copy ntldr and from the cd. However I can't seem to
> do a repair because of the ntdll.dll error with the boot disks. So Is there
> any dos environment programs out there that will allow me to access the cd
> rom drive and copy to an ntfs drive?
> any assistance will be highly appreciated.
> Thanks