Question Brand New PC Turned On Once, Now Appears Dead.

Soul Hacker

Oct 17, 2015
I built a brand new PC for a family member, I've built a couple of PCs before, including my brand new gaming PC just recently.

I'm really confused here, this is what's up:

The first time I tried to turn the unit on, it seemed to just be cycling. The fans would spin up, and then down, then spin up and down. The error lights on the board (ASROCK B550M PRO4 Micro-ATX) were also cycling. I had no display or anything. I don't remember why, but at the time I turned it off and walked away. A bit later, I came back to try turning it back on and look at the error lights on the MOBO to see if they would tell me what was going on.

Instead, the PC powered on perfectly fine and seemed to running normally. I hit up the BIOS but it was showing me that the CPU was running really hot. Because this PC is mostly going to be a word processor and internet browser, I had tried to just use the stock heatsink/fan but decided to just play it safe and install a proper heatsink. So I bought a CoolerMaster 212 and installed that instead (thoroughly cleaning the old paste off the CPU to the very best of my ability).

Tonight I went to turn it on and see if we were good to go now .. and .. it's dead Jim.

I have zero signs of life. When I hit the power switch absolutely nothing happens. There are no power lights, no error lights, the fans don't come on, nothing. It's like it's not even plugged in. I checked to make sure everything was connected and I swapped the power plug to a different outlet, I checked the actual on/off switch on the PSU.

Nope, nothing.

So all I did was install a new heatsink/cooler unit. The only thing I can think of based on what I did between it turning on and now not, is that the CPU didn't seat correctly, I checked it more than once when I put it back in (I opt'd to remove it to clean off the original paste - I didn't want to try doing that with it in the board, in the case, with how cramped micro-ATX cases feel to me).

I'm thinking that due to the weird cycling thing it did the first time, there's potentially something up with the MOBO or the PSU (BeQuiet Gold 650W).

But if it had anything to do with the CPU (Ryzen 5 / 5500G), wouldn't I at least see it do something? Some attempt to post or turn on?
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reset the bios by jumper while power is unplugged from the wall

unscrew the heat sink a bit and try powering on

disassemble the cooler parts completely and try powering on for just a view seconds, if it´s getting to life again
check the pins of the CPU socket of the motherboard. Any bent or discolored?

Which temperature had it before while in BIOS?

check PSU with the paper clip test

check the hardware using minimum configuration:
one RAM, motherboard, PSU, monitor, keyboard, CPU with standard cooler and fan