Bsod irql not less or equal on laptop, keyboard dead


Feb 17, 2014
Hi everyone. I have a bit of a serious issue here
All of a sudden I got the aforementioned bsod, and at the same time my Lenovo z510's keyboard and trackpad stopped working. I cannot access the boot menu but function keys work, so I take it as it is not a hardware fault. As soon as I reach the desktop it loads for 30 secs, then dies with the same error

Anything I can do? Recovery thumb?

As a side note my USB mixes all work, wifi and cables, but the USB keyboard does not. I take it as the keyboard controller a corrupted or something

Edit: I was able to get into safe mode. When I check the device manager, it says windows cannot initialize the device driver for the trackpad and both keyboards.

A scan with bluescreenview returns a broken file named parysrmn.sys. Anything I can do wth it? It's the same reported in the bsod by the way. Also, nots.krnl is reported in red above the sys file
NTOSKRNL = windows kernel. It handles all driver requests, power management, and memory management. It sits between Hardware and Applications. It got blamed but its not the cause

Can you look to see if you have a folder called c:\windows\minidump. if there is a folder called this, can you copy the file(s) to documents
upload the copy from documents to a cloud server and share the link here and someone with right software to read them will help you fix it :)

might help to boot into safe mode to get the files

the sys file you mentioned comes back with no results but the dump files will show us more.

Thanks for your reply!
Actually it just died and was not booting anymore after a couple of reboots, so I had to use the windows repair cd to fix the boot (it was looping on the recovery page) and that seems to have done the trick for now :)