Budget Balancing Help


Apr 12, 2017
Currently I am running a Ryzen 3 1200 and a GTX 1060 3GB along with 8gb of 2666 mhz ram. For better preformance when gaming, should I upgrade my cpu, gpu, or ram? I should probably wait for ram prices to drop and ryzen 2( or whatever is confirmed to come out q1 2018) to come out right? From there, what gpu would you reccomend?
Easy upgrade path for you is a Ryzen 1600 and 1070(Ti if you can swing it) to pound that 144Hz monitor. But really, if you're happy with the current system, keep using the heck out of it.

Currently, I am playing CS:GO, PUBG, Fortnite, and hope to eventually play current AAA titles. I play at 1080P 144hz currently. (The monitor was really cheap so I had to).