(BUDGET GAMING) Xbox One vs PS4 vs PC

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Jan 25, 2015
I've always been a PC GAMER but i'm having difficulty deciding what to do for 2015 entertainment as my PC is getting outdated (HD 6670 with Intel Core 2 Quad 2.8)

I've read reviews about Xbox One, PS4 and brand new GPUs for PC gaming but i cant decide properly what is the best choice for me :/

So, here i am posting my needs and what i like and YOU PEOPLE SHOULD help me decide what to do!

First, my budget is only $550 and i wanted something that can run smoothly for more than 3 years ahead. I really love playing online multiplayer (mostly FPS but i do play Company Of Heroes 2 on steam and WarThunder ). I'd like my purchase to be once and for all, no further upgrades every year. Playing games on medium - high settings is good (although i've played many games on 800x600 with ultra LOW settings :/ sign of a crazy gamer :p ) I've also got a 32" TV for console if i buy one. I dont have nearby friends who play online or have XBOX ONE or PS4 but there are tons of PC Gamers. i'd also like to play with my other 2 brothers either on split screen or on STEAM on different laptops (they have their own good laptops)

Now for the consoles. I like XBOX's controller and really hate the PS one. Multimedia features of XBOX and Kinect appeals to me. PS has much better graphics and good functions in its remote (i'm actually used to xbox controller. IDK how it feels switching to PS controller) XBOX gets really expensive with its accessories but its somewhat worth it.

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if u suggest a PC, please build it on PC PART PICKER. if u suggest console, give a better link with discounted price



Dec 31, 2013
I would reccomend you this build over every console, other PC that i saw in this thread. It has a super gpu with 3 GB vram that can max out every game with 60+ fps. The games will look way better than in consoles and console games for a year or two will begin again to be locked to 30 fps because of the low hardware but with this you will play games for 3 years no problem. Also 6 core FX is better than the i3 and will play games for 3 years or even more (My bro plays with C2D)
Whenever you live you can order the parts from amazon, ebay and they will ship to you. Here it is the build

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core Processor ($99.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 Micro ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($58.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: Kingston 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($65.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($54.00 @ Amazon)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 280 3GB Double Dissipation Video Card ($219.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Silverstone PS08B (Black) MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($34.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($50.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $584.94
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-28 09:42 EST-0500

Good luck!


Jan 25, 2015
I permanently live in Pakistan but i can arrange it from UAE if amazon ships there. THanks for the builds
BTW what is the best GPU of intel? is it HD4400 and how long lasting it can be if i skip the dedicated GPU at present. Secondly, is AMD A10 7700k good for gaming as it has built-in GPU too ?


Jan 23, 2015

The OP wanted a small machine, something the size of a console. This is way to big. Also, isn't 550 w a little overkill?


Jan 23, 2015

The a10 can play BF4 @40 fps on 720p. The intel graphics are crap.

Also, how many rupees are you looking to spend?


Dec 31, 2013

It's an MicroATX and it would fit next to a small deskt to a TV. He can get an ITX also but then no FX CPU.
No 550W is not overkill for FX 6300 (he can overclock to 4 Ghz) and the R9 280. He doesn't wan't fire out of his PC. FX 6300 - 200W max, R9 280 - 250W max, and 100W free. You don't want you PSU to run at 100. The best spot is 80% for efficency


Jan 23, 2015

Maybe the solution is a dual graphics machine with a nice a10 apu in it. here is my idea:



Dec 31, 2013

No, that won't last a year of gaming. I suggest the build zi reccommendet. The 280 is way faster than the dual GPU solution with an APU and the FX 6300 is way faster than that A series


Jan 23, 2015
cpu doesn't matter as much as graphics. You could pair a pentium and a 960, they would play the listed game amazingly. The only games that need cpu are MASSIVE open world, high rendering games, such as planetside 2. I play this alot, so I have an i7.



Many third-party games have been based on XBox One games during its first year. Mark Cerny, the lead architect behind the PS4, said that the underlying hardware features wouldn't begin to be tapped into until years 2 and 3 of its life. Many, many first party PS4 games are releasing this year and if you compare the trailers you would see that PS4 games do look better than the XBox One. Show me one third-party game that looks significantly better on XBox One than PS4. As for games like Ryse, it had pre rendered cutscenes on XBox and on top of that compare that with Uncharted 4 which is in development by one of the world's best game developers (Naughty Dog). I personally consider them the best. The hardware facts are that the PS4 is technically superior in every way, including CPU power. The PS4 is intended to use GPGPU for the CPU, but otherwise yes theoretically the XBox CPU is faster due to higher clock speed.

Microsoft practically dropped support for the Kinect by letting developers use additional leeway to produce a faster running game. Even then, the PS4 is still faster significantly. Compare first party PS4 games with XBox One games and you will see a difference. By the way, many current games were based off the XBox One and then ported to PS4 and PC.

For the money the PS4 is a very good purchase that will last years, but yes, a PC that is more expensive (by at least a few hundred more dollars) will generally outperform it in third party games. Regardless, as seen in games like Dying Light, the PS4 is practically equivalent with PC Ultra only toning down FoV and Draw Distance.


Jan 25, 2015

You are right all the way. I know PS4 is technically much better than XBOX 1 but i guess i'm going for a PC now :)
THANKS for your suggestions
quite simply has to be the ps4 if you alrady own a gaming pc - its a more powerful console but the main reason to me is that sony exclusives are exactly that - some games will never see the light of day on pc or xbox one.
xbone exclusives tend to be that for a few months & then theyll be released on pc anyway imo.