Welcome to my very first Build Log! I'm not very good at blurbs or anything like that so I'll just get right on it.
Last week I finally ordered the parts for my build. Today one package arrived but I'm still waiting for a second package from different shop. I should have just ordered all parts from the same website so I could have started to work on the build today already 😛
I don't have much for you yet, but I will show you what is my starting point and some teasers!
So my case is a white BitFenix Shinobi XL. I've heard a lot of people complain about it being plastic and crappy but I just don't see what there is to complain about? The finish on those parts is absolutely amazing and it feels very nice to my hands. The side panels are metal as well as the back and bottom. The front and top have BitFenix SofTouch finish.
The case cost me about 150€ about 6 months ago and I wouldn't change it to anything! Now there's so much room and I started to enjoy watching water cooling build logs so I fell in love with this new hobby.
It turned out to be quite big thing on the money side but I decided, what the heck. "I want it so I'm gonna do it!"
My main colors will be white and green. White coming straight from the case itself mostly and the tubing and liquid will be green. Also green LED fans.
Here's my first plan that I made a couple weeks ago:
At first I was planning to mount the reservoir outside the case like mentioned in the picture but then I found one that would fit perfectly on the inside. To the same location. And when I start building this there will probably be more changes to the plans. Or so I've heard from people who have done this before 😀
Now here's some teasers for you to enjoy:
So there you go! I named my project The Turtle because I couldn't come up with anything better. Actually I could go further with this idea and get some turtle figures standing on the case when it's finished or something. See how crazy this watercooling makes me? 😀
You will have to wait until early next week for some build pics but I'm hoping to get the other package by Friday.
Not much to show yet but you gotta start somewhere!
Last week I finally ordered the parts for my build. Today one package arrived but I'm still waiting for a second package from different shop. I should have just ordered all parts from the same website so I could have started to work on the build today already 😛
I don't have much for you yet, but I will show you what is my starting point and some teasers!
So my case is a white BitFenix Shinobi XL. I've heard a lot of people complain about it being plastic and crappy but I just don't see what there is to complain about? The finish on those parts is absolutely amazing and it feels very nice to my hands. The side panels are metal as well as the back and bottom. The front and top have BitFenix SofTouch finish.
The case cost me about 150€ about 6 months ago and I wouldn't change it to anything! Now there's so much room and I started to enjoy watching water cooling build logs so I fell in love with this new hobby.
It turned out to be quite big thing on the money side but I decided, what the heck. "I want it so I'm gonna do it!"
My main colors will be white and green. White coming straight from the case itself mostly and the tubing and liquid will be green. Also green LED fans.
Here's my first plan that I made a couple weeks ago:

At first I was planning to mount the reservoir outside the case like mentioned in the picture but then I found one that would fit perfectly on the inside. To the same location. And when I start building this there will probably be more changes to the plans. Or so I've heard from people who have done this before 😀
Now here's some teasers for you to enjoy:

So there you go! I named my project The Turtle because I couldn't come up with anything better. Actually I could go further with this idea and get some turtle figures standing on the case when it's finished or something. See how crazy this watercooling makes me? 😀
You will have to wait until early next week for some build pics but I'm hoping to get the other package by Friday.
Not much to show yet but you gotta start somewhere!