Build or buy-$600 budget.


Sep 27, 2012
Hello. I'm a college student looking at the PC market and I'm thinking of getting one by Februrary. Now, I will probally use the pc for Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Programming and maybe some video editing (not heavy). I really need something that can multitask well. I am a gamer, but considering I'm a broke college student (I have a job but, until I get a degree the pay sucks) and don't want to hit over $600. I can expand overtime if need be-so I'm assuming for that point the processor is the most important part.

I was thinking about this PC . Or building my own. But building my own seems to be more expensive unless I'm hitting over $1000 (economies of scale?)


Any one have any suggestions?

Also, is it good to go for an AMD processor to cheapen the price?
Lots of folks change back and forth between a laptop or desktop. Be sure which type you want if you have to choose. If you've never built your own, view some youtube videos first. Hp is my favorite oem system, but the power supplies won't allow much for upgrading to a better video card. You can build your own for $600 with windows 8, but for the same money you'll get a better cpu with an oem system. Updated: Here's some ideas for a $600 home built; some of the prices below are good today only, so my recommendations might change tomorrow based on price alone: $30 after rebate $40 after rebate $60 $195 $25 (I use ripjawsX) $80 $107
Get your unopened copy of windows 7 on craigslist; hold out for the Pro version; should be around $70

Total: about $607

Hmm....tough trade off. I get a great discount with my works' discount with HP.

What's your solution with the GPU? Should I go with another maker? Dell? I don't want to be stuck with a graphics card I can't change out because of the power supply (unless I change the power supply too)?
No to amd. Go with Intel 1155 i3 or i5, such as the 3450 quad core. It's about the same price as amd with oem. The hp system may be able to use a 7750 video card without a power supply upgrade, or you can go with this one from newegg that should fit: rosewill power supply listed above; newegg link broken. The build suggestions above didn't include monitor, keyboard, or mouse. You can find all those cheaper on craigslist.